Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin
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Lately I’ve been working my way through Mastering Bitcoin, implementing as many of the examples in the book in Elixir as I can.

  1. Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Money
  2. Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Login
  3. Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Exchange
  4. Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Exchange
  5. Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Money

I’ve been amazed at how well Elixir has fared with implementing the algorithms involved in working with Bitcoin keys and addresses. Elixir ships with all the tools required to generate a cryptographically secure private key and transform it into a public address string.

These digital keys are crucial in the ownership of bitcoins. These keys are not stored on the Bitcoin network but are created and stored by the file/software (a.k.a. A wallet stores these keys. There are a lot of types of wallets out there and some allow the private keys to. R/Bitcoin: A community dedicated to Bitcoin, the currency of the Internet. I'm trying to generate a public key from a private one using the bitcoin library.

Let’s walk through the process step by step and build our our own Elixir module to generate private keys and public addresses.

What are Private Keys and Public Addresses?

A Bitcoin private key is really just a random two hundred fifty six bit number. As the name implies, this number is intended to be kept private.

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From each private key, a public-facing Bitcoin address can be generated. Bitcoin can be sent to this public address by anyone in the world. However, only the keeper of the private key can produce a signature that allows them to access the Bitcoin stored there.

Let’s use Elixir to generate a cryptographically secure private key and then generate its most basic corresponding public address so we can receive some Bitcoin!

Pulling a Private Key Out of Thin Air

As I mentioned earlier, a Bitcoin private key is really just a random two hundred and fifty six bit number. In other words, a private key can be any number between 0 and 2^256.

However, not all random numbers are created equally. We need to be sure that we’re generating our random number from a cryptographically secure source of entropy. Thankfully, Elixir exposes Erlang’s :crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1 function which lets us easily generate a list of truly random bytes.

Let’s use :crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1 as the basis for our private key generator. We’ll start by creating a new PrivateKey module and a generate/0 function that takes no arguments:

Inside our generate/0 function, we’ll request 32 random bytes (or 256 bits) from :crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1:

This gives us a random set of 32 bytes that, when viewed as an unsigned integer, ranges between 0 and 2^256-1.

Unfortunately, we’re not quite done.

Validating our Private Key

To ensure that our private key is difficult to guess, the Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group recommends that we pick a private key between the number 1 and a number slightly smaller than 1.158e77:

We can add this validation check fairly easily by adding the SECG-provided upper bound as an attribute to our PrivateKey module:

Next, we’ll add a valid?/1 function to our module that returns true if the provided secret key falls within this range, and false if it does not:

Before we pass our private key into our valid?/1 function, we’ll need to convert it from a thirty two byte binary into an unsigned integer. Let’s add a third valid?/1 function head that does just that:

We’ll finish off our validation by passing our generated private key into our new valid?/1 function. If the key is valid, we’ll return it. Otherwise, we’ll generate a new private key and try again:

Now we can call PrivateKey.generate to generate a new Bitcoin private key!

From Private Key to Public Key …

The most basic process for turning a Bitcoin private key into a sharable public address involves three basic steps. The first step is to transform our private key into a public key with the help of elliptic curve cryptography.

We’ll start by adding a new to_public_key/1 function to our PrivateKey module:

In our to_public_key/1 function, we’ll use Erlang’s :crypto.generate_key function to sign our private_key using an elliptic curve. We’ll specifically use the :secp256k1 curve:

We’re using the elliptic curve key generation as a trapdoor function to ensure our private key’s secrecy. It’s easy for us to generate our public key from our private key, but reversing the computation and generating our private key from our public key is nearly impossible.

The :crypto.generate_key function returns a two-element tuple. The first element in this tuple is our Bitcoin public key. We’ll pull it out using Elixir’s elem/1 function:

The returned value is a sixty five byte binary representing our public key!

… Public Key to Public Hash …

Once we have our public key in memory, our next step in transforming it into a public address is to hash it. This gives us what’s called the “public hash” of our public key.


Let’s make a new function, to_public_hash/1 that takes our private_key as an argument:

We’ll start the hashing process by turning our private_key into a public key with a call to to_public_key:

Next, we pipe our public key through two hashing functions: SHA-256, followed by RIPEMD-160:

Bitcoin uses the RIPEMD-160 hashing algorithm because it produces a short hash. The intermediate SHA-256 hashing is used to prevent insecurities through unexpected interactions between our elliptic curve signing algorithm and the RIPEMD algorithm.

In this example, hash/1 is a helper function that wraps Erlang’s :crypto.hash.

Flipping the arguments to :crypto.hash in this way lets us easily pipe our data through the hash/1 helper.

… And Public Hash to Public Address

Lastly, we can convert our public hash into a full-fledged Bitcoin address by Base58Check encoding the hash with a version byte corresponding to the network where we’re using the address.

Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Money

Let’s add a to_public_address/2 function to our PrivateKey module:

The to_public_address/2 function takes a private_key and a version byte as its arguments. The version defaults to <<0x00>>, indicating that this address will be used on the live Bitcoin network.

To create a Bitcoin address, we start by converting our private_key into a public hash with a call to to_public_hash/1:

All that’s left to do is Base58Check encode the resulting hash with the provided version byte:

After laying the groundwork, the final pieces of the puzzle effortlessly fall into place.

Putting Our Creation to Use

Now that we can generate cryptographically secure private keys and transform them into publishable public addresses, we’re in business.


Let’s generate a new private key, transform it into its corresponding public address, and try out on the Bitcoin testnet. We’ll start by generating our private key:

This gives us a thirty two byte binary. If we wanted, we could Base58Check encode this with a testnet version byte of 0xEF. This is known as the “Wallet Import Format”, or WIF, of our Bitcoin private key:

As its name suggests, converting our private key into a WIF allows us to easily import it into most Bitcoin wallet software:

Next, let’s convert our private key into a testnet public address using a version byte of 0x6F:

Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Login

Now that we have our public address, let’s find a testnet faucet and send a few tBTC to our newly generated address! After initiating the transaction with our faucet, we should see our Bitcoin arrive at our address on either a blockchain explorer, or within our wallet software.


Final Thoughts

Elixir, thanks to its Erlang heritage, ships with a wealth of tools that make this kind of hashing, signing, and byte mashing a walk in the park.

I encourage you to check our the PrivateKey module on Github to get a better feel for the simplicity of the code we wrote today. Overall, I’m very happy with the result.

If you enjoyed this article, I highly recommend you check out the Mastering Bitcoin book. If you really enjoyed this article, feel free to send a few Bitcoin to this address I generated using our new PrivateKey module:

Stay tuned for more Bitcoin-related content as I work my way through Mastering Bitcoin!

Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Exchange

There is more to a bitcoin wallet than just the address itself. It also contains the public and private key for each of your bitcoin addresses. Your bitcoin private key is a randomly generated string (numbers and letters), allowing bitcoins to be spent. A private key is always mathematically related to the bitcoin wallet address, but is impossible to reverse engineer thanks to a strong encryption code base.

If you don’t back up your private key and you lose it, you can no longer access your bitcoin wallet to spend funds.

As mentioned, there is also a public key. This causes some confusion, as some people assume that a bitcoin wallet address and the public key are the same. That is not the case, but they are mathematically related. A bitcoin wallet address is a hashed version of your public key.

Every public key is 256 bits long — sorry, this is mathematical stuff — and the final hash (your wallet address) is 160 bits long. The public key is used to ensure you are the owner of an address that can receive funds. The public key is also mathematically derived from your private key, but using reverse mathematics to derive the private key would take the world’s most powerful supercomputer many trillion years to crack.

Besides these key pairs and a bitcoin wallet address, your bitcoin wallet also stores a separate log of all of your incoming and outgoing transactions. Every transaction linked to your address will be stored by the bitcoin wallet to give users an overview of their spending and receiving habits.

Last but not least, a bitcoin wallet also stores your user preferences. However, these preferences depend on which wallet type you’re using and on which platform. The Bitcoin Core client, for example, has very few preferences to tinker around with, making it less confusing for novice users to get the hang of it.

Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Exchange

Your bitcoin wallet generates a “master” file where all of the preceding details are saved. For computer users, that file is called wallet.dat. It’s saved on a Windows machine, for example, in the C:UserYournameDocumentsAppDataRoamingBitcoinfolder. Make sure to create one or multiple backups of this wallet.dat file on other storage devices, such as a USB stick or memory card. The bitcoin wallet software will let you import a wallet.dat file in case your previous file is damaged or lost, restoring your previous settings, including any funds associated with your bitcoin wallet address.

Couldn't People Generate The Same Private Key On Bitcoin Money

Check out more information on importing private keys and wallet.dat files.