Error Crypto Key Generate Rsa Label Default Rsa Key Noconfirm
Error Crypto Key Generate Rsa Label Default Rsa Key Noconfirm 4,0/5 4721 reviews

Jul 31, 2009 crypto key generate rsa label sslvpnkeypair!!- This will generate your RSA key for your certificate, if you are doing this!- for a business I would suggest purchasing a key.! Crypto ca trustpoint localtrust enrollment self fqdn subject-name keypair sslvpnkeypair crypto ca enroll localtrust noconfirm! Oct 02, 2015 SSH Config and crypto key generate RSA command. Use this command to generate RSA key pairs for your Cisco device (such as a router). Keys are generated in pairs–one public RSA key and one private RSA key. If your router already has RSA keys when you issue this command, you will be warned and prompted to replace the existing keys with new keys. Generate CSR via Cisco ASA CLI Commands 1. Before generating a CSR request, you must create a private key (config)# crypto key generate rsa label itadminguide.key modulus 2048 INFO: The name for the keys. Key pair: On this case, refers to the ASA key that will be used on the CSR and later as the public key for the certificate. Certificate Subject DN (Distinguish name) CN (common name) this is the way the certificate is associated with one or more hostnames, this determine which hostnames are covered by those certificates.

  1. Error Crypto Key Generate Rsa Label Default Rsa Key No Confirmation
  2. Error Crypto Key Generate Rsa Label Default Rsa Key No Confirm Balance

package rsa

Error Crypto Key Generate Rsa Label Default Rsa Key No Confirmation

import 'crypto/rsa'

Package rsa implements RSA encryption as specified in PKCS#1.

RSA is a single, fundamental operation that is used in this package toimplement either public-key encryption or public-key signatures.

The original specification for encryption and signatures with RSA is PKCS#1and the terms 'RSA encryption' and 'RSA signatures' by default refer toPKCS#1 version 1.5. However, that specification has flaws and new designsshould use version two, usually called by just OAEP and PSS, wherepossible.

Two sets of interfaces are included in this package. When a more abstractinterface isn't necessary, there are functions for encrypting/decryptingwith v1.5/OAEP and signing/verifying with v1.5/PSS. If one needs to abstractover the public-key primitive, the PrivateKey struct implements theDecrypter and Signer interfaces from the crypto package.

The RSA operations in this package are not implemented using constant-time algorithms.

Index ¶

Examples ¶

Constants ¶

Variables ¶

ErrDecryption represents a failure to decrypt a message.It is deliberately vague to avoid adaptive attacks.

ErrMessageTooLong is returned when attempting to encrypt a message which istoo large for the size of the public key.

ErrVerification represents a failure to verify a signature.It is deliberately vague to avoid adaptive attacks.

func DecryptOAEP¶Uses

DecryptOAEP decrypts ciphertext using RSA-OAEP.

OAEP is parameterised by a hash function that is used as a random oracle.Encryption and decryption of a given message must use the same hash functionand sha256.New() is a reasonable choice.

The random parameter, if not nil, is used to blind the private-key operationand avoid timing side-channel attacks. Blinding is purely internal to thisfunction – the random data need not match that used when encrypting.

The label parameter must match the value given when encrypting. SeeEncryptOAEP for details.

func DecryptPKCS1v15¶Uses

DecryptPKCS1v15 decrypts a plaintext using RSA and the padding scheme from PKCS#1 v1.5.If rand != nil, it uses RSA blinding to avoid timing side-channel attacks.

Note that whether this function returns an error or not discloses secretinformation. If an attacker can cause this function to run repeatedly andlearn whether each instance returned an error then they can decrypt andforge signatures as if they had the private key. SeeDecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey for a way of solving this problem.

func DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey¶Uses

DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey decrypts a session key using RSA and the padding scheme from PKCS#1 v1.5.If rand != nil, it uses RSA blinding to avoid timing side-channel attacks.It returns an error if the ciphertext is the wrong length or if theciphertext is greater than the public modulus. Otherwise, no error isreturned. If the padding is valid, the resulting plaintext message is copiedinto key. Otherwise, key is unchanged. These alternatives occur in constanttime. It is intended that the user of this function generate a randomsession key beforehand and continue the protocol with the resulting value.This will remove any possibility that an attacker can learn any informationabout the plaintext.See “Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Against Protocols Based on the RSAEncryption Standard PKCS #1”, Daniel Bleichenbacher, Advances in Cryptology(Crypto '98).

Note that if the session key is too small then it may be possible for anattacker to brute-force it. If they can do that then they can learn whethera random value was used (because it'll be different for the same ciphertext)and thus whether the padding was correct. This defeats the point of thisfunction. Using at least a 16-byte key will protect against this attack.

RSA is able to encrypt only a very limited amount of data. In orderto encrypt reasonable amounts of data a hybrid scheme is commonlyused: RSA is used to encrypt a key for a symmetric primitive likeAES-GCM.

Before encrypting, data is “padded” by embedding it in a knownstructure. This is done for a number of reasons, but the mostobvious is to ensure that the value is large enough that theexponentiation is larger than the modulus. (Otherwise it could bedecrypted with a square-root.)

In these designs, when using PKCS#1 v1.5, it's vitally important toavoid disclosing whether the received RSA message was well-formed(that is, whether the result of decrypting is a correctly paddedmessage) because this leaks secret information.DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey is designed for this situation and copiesthe decrypted, symmetric key (if well-formed) in constant-time overa buffer that contains a random key. Thus, if the RSA result isn'twell-formed, the implementation uses a random key in constant time.


func EncryptOAEP¶Uses

EncryptOAEP encrypts the given message with RSA-OAEP.

Error Crypto Key Generate Rsa Label Default Rsa Key Noconfirm

OAEP is parameterised by a hash function that is used as a random oracle.Encryption and decryption of a given message must use the same hash functionand sha256.New() is a reasonable choice.

The random parameter is used as a source of entropy to ensure thatencrypting the same message twice doesn't result in the same ciphertext.

The label parameter may contain arbitrary data that will not be encrypted,but which gives important context to the message. For example, if a givenpublic key is used to decrypt two types of messages then distinct labelvalues could be used to ensure that a ciphertext for one purpose cannot beused for another by an attacker. If not required it can be empty.

The message must be no longer than the length of the public modulus minustwice the hash length, minus a further 2.

func EncryptPKCS1v15¶Uses

EncryptPKCS1v15 encrypts the given message with RSA and the paddingscheme from PKCS#1 v1.5. The message must be no longer than thelength of the public modulus minus 11 bytes.

The rand parameter is used as a source of entropy to ensure thatencrypting the same message twice doesn't result in the sameciphertext.

WARNING: use of this function to encrypt plaintexts other thansession keys is dangerous. Use RSA OAEP in new protocols.

func SignPKCS1v15¶Uses

SignPKCS1v15 calculates the signature of hashed usingRSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN from RSA PKCS#1 v1.5. Note that hashed mustbe the result of hashing the input message using the given hashfunction. If hash is zero, hashed is signed directly. This isn'tadvisable except for interoperability.

If rand is not nil then RSA blinding will be used to avoid timingside-channel attacks.

This function is deterministic. Thus, if the set of possiblemessages is small, an attacker may be able to build a map frommessages to signatures and identify the signed messages. As ever,signatures provide authenticity, not confidentiality.

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func SignPSS¶Uses

SignPSS calculates the signature of hashed using RSASSA-PSS [1].Note that hashed must be the result of hashing the input message using thegiven hash function. The opts argument may be nil, in which case sensibledefaults are used.

func VerifyPKCS1v15¶Uses

VerifyPKCS1v15 verifies an RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature.hashed is the result of hashing the input message using the given hashfunction and sig is the signature. A valid signature is indicated byreturning a nil error. If hash is zero then hashed is used directly. Thisisn't advisable except for interoperability.

func VerifyPSS¶Uses

VerifyPSS verifies a PSS signature.hashed is the result of hashing the input message using the given hashfunction and sig is the signature. A valid signature is indicated byreturning a nil error. The opts argument may be nil, in which case sensibledefaults are used.

Error Crypto Key Generate Rsa Label Default Rsa Key Noconfirm

type CRTValue¶Uses

CRTValue contains the precomputed Chinese remainder theorem values.

type OAEPOptions¶Uses

OAEPOptions is an interface for passing options to OAEP decryption using thecrypto.Decrypter interface.

type PKCS1v15DecryptOptions¶Uses

PKCS1v15DecrypterOpts is for passing options to PKCS#1 v1.5 decryption usingthe crypto.Decrypter interface.

type PSSOptions¶Uses

PSSOptions contains options for creating and verifying PSS signatures.

func (*PSSOptions) HashFunc¶Uses

HashFunc returns pssOpts.Hash so that PSSOptions implementscrypto.SignerOpts.

type PrecomputedValues¶Uses

type PrivateKey¶Uses

A PrivateKey represents an RSA key

func GenerateKey¶Uses

GenerateKey generates an RSA keypair of the given bit size using therandom source random (for example, crypto/rand.Reader).

func GenerateMultiPrimeKey¶Uses

GenerateMultiPrimeKey generates a multi-prime RSA keypair of the given bitsize and the given random source, as suggested in [1]. Although the publickeys are compatible (actually, indistinguishable) from the 2-prime case,the private keys are not. Thus it may not be possible to export multi-primeprivate keys in certain formats or to subsequently import them into othercode.

Table 1 in [2] suggests maximum numbers of primes for a given size.

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[1] US patent 4405829 (1972, expired)[2]

func (*PrivateKey) Decrypt¶Uses

Decrypt decrypts ciphertext with priv. If opts is nil or of type*PKCS1v15DecryptOptions then PKCS#1 v1.5 decryption is performed. Otherwiseopts must have type *OAEPOptions and OAEP decryption is done.

func (*PrivateKey) Precompute¶Uses

Error Crypto Key Generate Rsa Label Default Rsa Key No Confirm Balance

Precompute performs some calculations that speed up private key operationsin the future.

func (*PrivateKey) Public¶Uses

Public returns the public key corresponding to priv.

func (*PrivateKey) Sign¶Uses

Sign signs digest with priv, reading randomness from rand. If opts is a*PSSOptions then the PSS algorithm will be used, otherwise PKCS#1 v1.5 willbe used.

This method implements crypto.Signer, which is an interface to support keyswhere the private part is kept in, for example, a hardware module. Commonuses should use the Sign* functions in this package directly.

func (*PrivateKey) Validate¶Uses

Validate performs basic sanity checks on the key.It returns nil if the key is valid, or else an error describing a problem.

type PublicKey¶Uses

A PublicKey represents the public part of an RSA key.

func (*PublicKey) Size¶Uses

Size returns the modulus size in bytes. Raw signatures and ciphertextsfor or by this public key will have the same size.

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