Generate Api Key Php Laravel
Generate Api Key Php Laravel 4,5/5 5162 reviews


Mar 08, 2019 There are many great frameworks that can help you build REST APIs quickly. Laravel/Lumen and Symfony’s API platform are the most often used examples in the PHP ecosystem. They provide great tools to process requests and generate JSON responses with the correct HTTP status codes. In order to create a Twilio Programmable Chat client, you will need an access token. This token holds information about your Twilio Account and Programmable Chat API keys. We generate this token by creating a new AccessToken and providing it with an ChatGrant. The new AccessToken object is created using your Twilio credentials.

Run composer require ejarnutowski/laravel-api-key.

In your config/app.php file, add the Laravel API Key service provider to the end of the providers array.

Publish the migration files

Run the migrations

3 new database tables will be created:

  • api_keys
  • api_key_access_events
  • api_key_admin_events

Managing Keys

Generate a new key using php artisan apikey:generate {name}. The name argument is the name of your API key. All new keys are active by default.

Deactivate a key using php artisan apikey:deactivate {name}.

Activate a key using php artisan apikey:activate {name}.

Oct 02, 2015  SSH Config and crypto key generate RSA command. Use this command to generate RSA key pairs for your Cisco device (such as a router). Keys are generated in pairs–one public RSA key and one private RSA key. If your router already has RSA keys when you issue this command, you will be warned and prompted to replace the existing keys with new keys. Crypto key generate rsa. cryptokeygeneratersa,page2 Cisco IOS Security Command Reference: Commands A to C, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3850 Switches). Cisco crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048.

Delete a key. You'll be asked to confirm. Keys are soft-deleted for record keeping.

List all keys. The -D or --deleted flag includes deleted keys


Implementing Authorization

A new auth.apikey route middleware has been registered for you to use in your routes or controllers. Below are examples on how to use middleware, but for detailed information, check out Middleware in the Laravel Docs.

Api Key Steam

Route example

Controller example

Authorizing Requests

In order to pass the auth.apikey middleware, requests must include an X-Authorization header as part of the request, with its value being an active API key.

Unauthorized Requests

Requests that do not pass authorization will receive an HTTP 401 Status Code with the following response

Event History

Api Key Generator

All API requests that pass authorization are logged in the api_key_access_events table. A record is created for each request with the following information:

  • api_key_id
  • ip_address
  • url
  • created_at
  • updated_at

Any time an API key is generated, activated, deactivated, or deleted, a record is logged in the api_key_admin_events table. Each record contains the following information:

  • api_key_id
  • ip_address
  • event
  • created_at
  • updated_at


Generate Api Key Php Laravel Tutorial

The Laravel API Key package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.