Generate Ca Certificate And Key For Firepower
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Aug 02, 2011  I request a certificate with my Certificate Authority using IE8. Now I want to export it in pkcs12 format so that I can use both my private and public key on other computers. I try to export my certificate in pkcs12 format but the option is grey out. I use windows 7 and IE 8. The private key for that certificate is only exportable if one. Jan 02, 2017 We went through the configuration of Firepower with CA-signed certificates in a previous post and you'll see that the configuration is very similar to that in this post. In the Firepower Management Center (FMC), navigate to ObjectsObject ManagementPKIInternal CAs and click the Generate CA button and provide the certificate information. You are correct for most part. However, let me clarify 1 different between using SSL decryption on firepower and using the certificate for captive portal. You can use the certificate from step 3 for captive portal as that would be a regular certificate which is self-signed(Its still not a CA certificate which can sign other certs).


This document describes how to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and install the identity certificate that is the result for use with the Chassis Manager for Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS) on the Firepower 4100 and 9300 series devices.



Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:

  • Configure FXOS from the Command Line
  • Use CSR
  • Private Key Infrastructure (PKI) Concepts

Components Used

The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:

  • Firepower 4100 and 9300 Series Hardware
  • FXOS Versions 1.1 and 2.0

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.

Background Information

After initial configuration, a self-signed SSL certificate is generated for use with the Chassis Manager web application. Since that certificate is self-signed, it will not be automatically trusted by client browsers. The first time that a new client browser accesses the Chassis Manager web interface for the first time, the browser throws an SSL warning similar to your connection, it is not private and requires the user to accept the certificate before you access the Chassis Manager. This process allows a certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority to be installed which can allow a client browser to trust the connection, and bring up the web interface with no warnings.



Generate Ca Certificate And Key For Firepower Protection

Note: There is currently no way to generate a CSR in the Chassis Manager GUI. It must be done via command line.

Generate a CSR

Perform these steps in order to obtain a certificate that contains the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the device (which allows a client browser to identify the server properly):

  • Create a keyring and select the modulus size of private key.

Note: The keyring name can be any input. In these examples, firepower_cert is used.

  • Configure the CSR fields. The CSR can be generated with just basic options like a subject-name. This prompts for a certificate request password as well.
  • The CSR can also be generated with more advanced options that allow information like locale and organization to be embedded in the certificate.
  • Export the CSR to provide to your certificate authority. Copy the output that starts with (and includes) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- ends with (and includes) -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----.

Import the Certificate Authority Certificate Chain

Note: All certificates must be in Base64 format to be imported into FXOS. If the certificate or chain received from the Certificate Authority is in a different format, you must first convert it with an SSL tool such as OpenSSL.

  • Create a new trustpoint to hold the certificate chain.

Note: The trustpoint name name can be any input. In the examples firepower_chain is used.

Note: For a Certificate Authority that uses intermediate certificates, the root and intermediate certificates must be combined. In the text file, paste the root certificate at the top, followed by each intermediate certificate in the chain (that includes all BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE flags). Then paste that entire file before the ENDOFBUF delineation.

Import the Signed Identity Certificate for the Server

  • Associate the trustpoint created in the previous step with the keyring that was created for the CSR.
  • Paste the contents of the identity certificate provided by the Certificate Authority.

Configure Chassis Manager to Use the New Certificate

The certificate has now been installed, but the web service is not yet configured to use it.


Use this section in order to confirm that your configuration works properly.

  • show https - Output displays the keyring associated with the HTTPS server. It should reflect the name created in the steps mentioned before. It if still shows default then it has not been updated to use the new certificate.
  • show keyring <keyring_name> detail - Output displays the contents of the certificate that is imported and show if it is valid or not.
  • Enter https://<FQDN_or_IP>/ in the address bar of a web browser and browse to the Firepower Chassis Manager and verify that the new trusted certificate is presented.

Warning: Browsers also verify the subject-name of a certificate against the input in the address bar, so if the certificate is issued to the fully qualified domain name, it must be accessed that way in the browser. If it is accessed via IP address, a different SSL error is thrown (Common Name Invalid) even if the trusted certificate is used.


There is currently no specific troubleshooting information available for this configuration.

Related Information


The following scenarios outline several of the primary usages of Key Vault’s certificate management service including the additional steps required for creating your first certificate in your key vault.

The following are outlined:

  • Creating your first Key Vault certificate
  • Creating a certificate with a Certificate Authority that is partnered with Key Vault
  • Creating a certificate with a Certificate Authority that is not partnered with Key Vault
  • Import a certificate

Certificates are complex objects

Certificates are composed of three interrelated resources linked together as a Key Vault certificate; certificate metadata, a key, and a secret.

Creating your first Key Vault certificate

Generate Ca Certificate And Key For Firepower Online

Before a certificate can be created in a Key Vault (KV), prerequisite steps 1 and 2 must be successfully accomplished and a key vault must exist for this user / organization. Origin key generator for sims 4.

Step 1 - Certificate Authority (CA) Providers

  • On-boarding as the IT Admin, PKI Admin or anyone managing accounts with CAs, for a given company (ex. Contoso) is a prerequisite to using Key Vault certificates.
    The following CAs are the current partnered providers with Key Vault:
    • DigiCert - Key Vault offers OV TLS/SSL certificates with DigiCert.
    • GlobalSign - Key Vault offers OV TLS/SSL certificates with GlobalSign.

Step 2 - An account admin for a CA provider creates credentials to be used by Key Vault to enroll, renew, and use TLS/SSL certificates via Key Vault.

Step 3 - A Contoso admin, along with a Contoso employee (Key Vault user) who owns certificates, depending on the CA, can get a certificate from the admin or directly from the account with the CA.

  • Begin an add credential operation to a key vault by setting a certificate issuer resource. A certificate issuer is an entity represented in Azure Key Vault (KV) as a CertificateIssuer resource. It is used to provide information about the source of a KV certificate; issuer name, provider, credentials, and other administrative details.
    • Ex. MyDigiCertIssuer

      • Provider
      • Credentials – CA account credentials. Each CA has its own specific data.

      For more information on creating accounts with CA Providers, see the related post on the Key Vault blog.

Step 3.1 - Set up certificate contacts for notifications. This is the contact for the Key Vault user. Key Vault does not enforce this step.

Note - This process, through step 3.1, is a onetime operation.

Creating a certificate with a CA partnered with Key Vault

Step 4 - The following descriptions correspond to the green numbered steps in the preceding diagram.
(1) - In the diagram above, your application is creating a certificate which internally begins by creating a key in your key vault.
(2) - Key Vault sends an TLS/SSL Certificate Request to the CA.
(3) - Your application polls, in a loop and wait process, for your Key Vault for certificate completion. The certificate creation is complete when Key Vault receives the CA’s response with x509 certificate.
(4) - The CA responds to Key Vault's TLS/SSL Certificate Request with an X509 TLS/SSL Certificate.
(5) - Your new certificate creation completes with the merger of the X509 Certificate for the CA.

Key Vault user – creates a certificate by specifying a policy

  • Repeat as needed

  • Policy constraints

    • X509 properties
    • Key properties
    • Provider reference - > ex. MyDigiCertIssure
    • Renewal information - > ex. 90 days before expiry
  • A certificate creation process is usually an asynchronous process and involves polling your key vault for the state of the create certificate operation.
    Get certificate operation

    • Status: completed, failed with error information or, canceled
    • Because of the delay to create, a cancel operation can be initiated. The cancel may or may not be effective.

Import a certificate

Alternatively – a cert can be imported into Key Vault – PFX or PEM.

Import certificate – requires a PEM or PFX to be on disk and have a private key.

  • You must specify: vault name and certificate name (policy is optional)

  • PEM / PFX files contains attributes that KV can parse and use to populate the certificate policy. If a certificate policy is already specified, KV will try to match data from PFX / PEM file.

  • Once the import is final, subsequent operations will use the new policy (new versions).

  • If there are no further operations, the first thing the Key Vault does is send an expiration notice.

  • Also, the user can edit the policy, which is functional at the time of import but, contains defaults where no information was specified at import. Ex. no issuer info

Formats of Import we support

We support the following type of Import for PEM file format. A single PEM encoded certificate along with a PKCS#8 encoded, unencrypted key which has the following



On certificate merge we support 2 PEM based formats. You can either merge a single PKCS#8 encoded certificate or a base64 encoded P7B file.-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----

We currently don't support EC keys in PEM format.

Creating a certificate with a CA not partnered with Key Vault

This method allows working with other CAs than Key Vault's partnered providers, meaning your organization can work with a CA of its choice.

The following step descriptions correspond to the green lettered steps in the preceding diagram.

(1) - In the diagram above, your application is creating a certificate, which internally begins by creating a key in your key vault.

(2) - Key Vault returns to your application a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

(3) - Your application passes the CSR to your chosen CA.

Generate Ca Certificate And Key For Firepower Free

(4) - Your chosen CA responds with an X509 Certificate.

Generate Ca Certificate And Key For Firepower Driver

(5) - Your application completes the new certificate creation with a merger of the X509 Certificate from your CA.