Generate Equivalent Fractions Lesson 6.2 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.4.NF.1 Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Write two equivalent fractions for each. Possible answers are given. 1 3 1 3 6' 12 11. 10 8 10' 80 100 12 Tell whether the fractions are equivalent. Write = or 12 5 10 Problem Solving 10 10. 12 REAL WORLD. Subpages (8): 6.1 Equivalent Fractions 6.2 Generate Equivalent Fractions 6.3 Simplest Form 6.4 Common Denominators 6.5 Find Equivalent Fractions 6.6 Compare Fractions Using Benchmarks 6.7 Compare Fractions 6.8 Compare and Order Fractions. The value will be unchanged; it’s equivalent.” I divided the two numbers and got point one two five. We arrived just in time to see NUMBEROCK Live! This song targets TEKS and Common Core learning standards from both 4th Grade and 5th Grade. Look into the relevant standards here, or dig deeper Fractions here.
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Subjects > 4th Grade Math > Chapter 6: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison