Generate Key.json For User Gcloud Cli
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Terraform Cloud has three workflows for managing Terraform runs.

  • The UI/VCS-driven run workflow, which is the primary mode of operation.
  • The API-driven run workflow, which is more flexible but requires you to create some tooling.
  • The CLI-driven run workflow described below, which uses Terraform's standard CLI tools to execute runs in Terraform Cloud.

» Summary

The Terraform remote backend brings Terraform Cloud's collaboration features into the familiar Terraform CLI workflow. It offers the best of both worlds to developers who are already comfortable with using Terraform, and can work with existing CI/CD pipelines.

Users can start runs with the standard terraform plan and terraform apply commands, and can watch the progress of the run without leaving their terminal. These runs execute remotely in Terraform Cloud; they use variables from the appropriate workspace, enforce any applicable Sentinel policies, and can access Terraform Cloud's private module registry and remote state inputs.

Terraform Cloud offers two kinds of CLI-driven runs, to support different stages of your workflow:

  • terraform plan starts a speculative plan in a Terraform Cloud workspace, using configuration files from a local directory. Developers can quickly check the results of edits (including compliance with Sentinel policies) without needing to copy sensitive variables to their local machine.

Speculative plans work with all workspaces, and can co-exist with the VCS-driven workflow.

  • terraform apply starts a normal plan and apply in a Terraform Cloud workspace, using configuration files from a local directory.

Generate Key.json For User Gcloud Clinton

Remote terraform apply is for workspaces without a linked VCS repository. It replaces the VCS-driven workflow with a more traditional CLI workflow.

To supplement these remote operations, you can also use the optional Terraform Enterprise Provider, which interacts with the resources supported by Terraform Cloud. It can be useful for editing variables and workspace settings through the Terraform CLI.

» Remote Backend Configuration

To configure the remote backend, a stanza needs to be added to the Terraform configuration. It must specify the remote backend, the name of a Terraform Cloud organization, and the workspace(s) to use. The example below uses one workspace; see the remote backend documentation for more details.

Next, run terraform login to authenticate with Terraform Cloud. Alternatively, you can manually configure credentials in the CLI config file.

The backend can be initialized with terraform init.

» Implicit Workspace Creation

If you configure the remote backend to use a workspace that doesn't yet exist in your organization, Terraform Cloud will create a new workspace with that name when you run terraform init. The output of terraform init will inform you when this happens.

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Automatically created workspaces might not be immediately ready to use, so use Terraform Cloud's UI to check a workspace's settings and data before performing any runs. In particular, note that:

  • No Terraform variables or environment variables are created by default. Terraform Cloud will use *.auto.tfvars files if they are present, but you will usually still need to set some workspace-specific variables.
  • The execution mode defaults to 'Remote,' so that runs occur within Terraform Cloud's infrastructure instead of on your workstation.
  • New workspaces are not automatically connected to a VCS repository, and do not have a working directory specified.
  • A new workspace's Terraform version defaults to the most recent release of Terraform at the time the workspace was created.

» Variables in CLI-Driven Runs

Remote runs in Terraform Cloud use variables from two sources:

  • Terraform variables and environment variables set in the workspace. These can be edited via the UI, the API, or the tfe Terraform provider.
  • Terraform variables from any *.auto.tfvars files included in the configuration. Workspace variables, if present, override these.

Note: Remote runs do not use environment variables from your shell environment, and do not support specifying variables (or .tfvars files) as command line arguments.

» Remote Working Directories

If you manage your Terraform configurations in self-contained repositories, the remote working directory always has the same content as the local working directory.

If you use a combined repository and specify a working directory on workspaces, you can run Terraform from either the real working directory or from the root of the combined configuration directory. In both cases, Terraform will upload the entire combined configuration directory.

» Excluding Files from Upload

Generate Key.json For User Gcloud Client

Version note:.terraformignore support was added in Terraform 0.12.11.

Generate Key.json For User Gcloud Climate

CLI-driven runs upload an archive of your configuration directoryto Terraform Cloud. If the directory contains files you want to exclude from upload,you can do so by defining a .terraformignore file in your configuration directory.

» Remote Speculative Plans

To run a speculative plan on your configuration, use the terraform plan command. The plan will run in Terraform Cloud, and the logs will stream back to the command line along with a URL to view the plan in the Terraform Cloud UI.

Users can run speculative plans in any workspace where they have plan access.

Speculative plans use the configuration code from the local working directory, but will use variable values from the specified workspace.

» Remote Applies

Bitcoin address private key generator. When configuration changes are ready to be applied, use the terraform apply command. The apply will start in Terraform Cloud, and the command line will prompt for approval before applying the changes.

Remote applies require write access to the workspace.

Remote applies use the configuration code from the local working directory, but will use variable values from the specified workspace.

Important: You cannot run remote applies in workspaces that are linked to a VCS repository, since the repository serves as the workspace’s source of truth. To apply changes in a VCS-linked workspace, merge your changes to the designated branch.

» Sentinel Policies

If the specified workspace uses Sentinel policies, those policies will run against all speculative plans and remote applies in that workspace. The policy output will be available in the terminal. Hard mandatory checks cannot be overridden and they prevent terraform apply from applying changes.