Generating A Secret Key Out Of Thin Air
Generating A Secret Key Out Of Thin Air 3,5/5 2048 reviews

Roxio game capture product key generator. Roxio Game Capture HD Pro is high quality video capture software that is used in combination with a hardware game capture card, which lets you capture gaming footage in HD (up to 1080 30p/1080 60i), with HDMI or Component input and output.Roxio Game Capture HD Pro lets you enjoy seamless gameplay with no lag, delays or interruption.

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Coursera - Programming Assignment: Scrooge Coin - Simple Main Class
Out of thin air song

Sep 11, 2018  Anybody can create any number of addresses (accounts) for themselves out of thin air. They can even do this on a piece of paper. Scientists create a 'Star Trek'-style replicator. Capable of materializing objects out of thin air, this replicator is as close to magic as it gets. Replicators are the latest 'Star Trek' technology that might soon be realized. Essentially, the Air-gen can generate a flow of electrons without much input, thanks to the impressive biology of Geobacter’s nanowires.Co-author and distinguished microbiology professor Derek Lovley, who has dedicated more than 30 years of study to the electric microbe, compares the wires to individual human hairs — a thread made up of different proteins, only 20,000 times. Out Of Thin Air is built around interviews with the key characters and evocative reconstructions that are interweaved with pictures and archive from the 1970s. The factual format deceives the viewer into taking the reconstructions at face value.

publicclassMain {
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) throwsNoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException {
// Crypto setup
// You need the following JAR for RSA
// More information
KeyPairGenerator keyGen =KeyPairGenerator.getInstance('RSA');
SecureRandom random =SecureRandom.getInstance('SHA1PRNG', 'SUN');
keyGen.initialize(1024, random);
// Generating two key pairs, one for Scrooge and one for Alice
KeyPair pair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
PrivateKey private_key_scrooge = pair.getPrivate();
PublicKey public_key_scrooge = pair.getPublic();
pair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
PrivateKey private_key_alice = pair.getPrivate();
PublicKey public_key_alice = pair.getPublic();
// Generating a root transaction tx out of thin air, so that Scrooge owns a coin of value 10
// By thin air I mean that this tx will not be validated, I just need it to get a proper Transaction.Output
// which I then can put in the UTXOPool, which will be passed to the TXHandler
Transaction tx =newTransaction();
tx.addOutput(10, public_key_scrooge);
// that value has no meaning, but tx.getRawDataToSign(0) will access in.prevTxHash;
byte[] initialHash =BigInteger.valueOf(1695609641).toByteArray();
tx.addInput(initialHash, 0);
Signature signature =Signature.getInstance('SHA256withRSA');
byte[] sig = signature.sign();
tx.addSignature(sig, 0);
// The transaction output of the root transaction is unspent output
UTXOPool utxoPool =newUTXOPool();
UTXO utxo =newUTXO(tx.getHash(),0);
utxoPool.addUTXO(utxo, tx.getOutput(0));
Transaction tx2 =newTransaction();
// the Transaction.Output of tx at position 0 has a value of 10
tx2.addInput(tx.getHash(), 0);
// I split the coin of value 10 into 3 coins and send all of them for simplicity to the same address (Alice)
tx2.addOutput(5, public_key_alice);
tx2.addOutput(3, public_key_alice);
tx2.addOutput(2, public_key_alice);
// There is only one (at position 0) Transaction.Input in tx2
// and it contains the coin from Scrooge, therefore I have to sign with the private key from Scrooge
sig = signature.sign();
tx2.addSignature(sig, 0);
// remember that the utxoPool contains a single unspent Transaction.Output which is the coin from Scrooge
TxHandler txHandler =newTxHandler(utxoPool);

Out Of Thin Air Definition

commented Jan 22, 2017

Generating A Secret Key Out Of Thin Air

Thank you very much, Sven! this example very helpful for understanding the mechanics of ScroogeCoin

Generating A Secret Key Out Of Thin Air Reviews

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