Git Generate Gpg Key Comment
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GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) is a free implementation of the OpenPGP encryption standard. Among other things, it can be used to sign digital files in a cryptographically secure way. Since only you possess the private portion of your GPG keypair, nobody else can use your GPG signature. Adding GPG signatures to your git commits adds an extra layer of security to your GitHub account by verifying that code changes made in your name are actually coming from you and preventing others from spoofing your account. This will allow collaborators and users of your code to rest assured that they can trust code commits coming from you. Neither Windows nor Mac machines have GPG installed by default so you will first have to install GPG software. After that, you can generate a key, register the public portion of the key with GitHub, and configure git to use your key to sign commits.

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  1. Git Gpg Key
  2. Git Gpg Signing Key

Apr 04, 2017 gpg -import bobpublickey.gpg Conclusion. Now we have notions on the principles to use and generate a public key. You know how GnuPG is functioning and you can use it for secure communication. GPG encryption is only useful when both parties use good security practices and are vigilant. Read Also: How to Encrypt/Decrypt File using GPG in Linux.

Git Gpg Key


To sign your commits with a GPG key, you will first need to install software capable of generating key pairs. On Windows the most common option is the free program Gpg4win.

Once you’ve finished installing Gpg4win open the command prompt and run gpg --full-gen-key to generate your key. You will receive a series of prompts to configure your key, namely, you will need to:

  • Select the type of key you want to use. Unless you have a reason to choose a different type, hit enter to accept the default value (RSA and RSA).
  • Choose your key size (the longer the key the more secure it is). The default is 2048, the maximum length you should use is 4096.
  • Determine when you want the key to expire or enter 0 if you do not want it to expire.
  • You will now be prompted for your name, email (note this must be the email associated with your GitHub account), and a comment that can be used to help identify the key (optional). Once you’ve filled out all these values enter o to generate the key.

Now that you’ve created a key you can associate it with your GitHub profile. To do this you need to import your GPG public key into your GitHub account. In the command prompt run gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG to see the information about your newly generated key. You should see something like this come back:

sec rsa4096/A7CEEB196A2DAB01 2017-11-17 [SC]
uid [ultimate] Your Name (your comment)
ssb rsa4096/D0A7VgFJk81HTSAG 2017-11-17 [E]

The first line of this block shows the path on your computer to the key ring. The sec portion of the block displays information about your secret key. Specifically, it shows the type and size of your key, the id for your secret key, the date it was generated, and usage flags (typically SC, which denotes that this key can be used for signing and certifying other signatures). The third line is your key’s public fingerprint, which can be used to identify your full public key. The uid is the identification information you provided while generating your key. This line also shows the trust level for this key, in this example ultimate indicates that any message signed with this key will be trusted by you. Finally, the line ssb indicates a secret sub-key associated with the master key and reveals it’s properties. (The E flag signifies that this key is good for encryption, there is also an A flag not seen in this example that indicate keys good for authentication)

Take the secret key id you were provided (in our example A7CEEB196A2DAB01) and use it to run the command gpg --armor --export A7CEEB196A2DAB01. This will print out a long block of text starting with -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- and ending with -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----. This is your public key. Copy the entire block and go to GitHub.

In GitHub, go to your profile’s Settings and select the SSH and GPG keys tab from the left-hand menu. In the GPG section click on the New GPG key button. This will open up a text field where you can paste in the PGP public key block that you copied above. Click the Add GPG key button and enter your GitHub password to confirm the change.

Now that you have a key and GitHub knows to look for it, you need to tell git to use it. Back in your command prompt run git config --global user.signingkey A7CEEB196A2DAB01 (substituting your secret key id for the example key id). With this done you can sign your commits by adding the -S flag (for example git commit -S -m 'your commit message'). Alternately, you can configure git to sign all commits by default by entering the following command: git config --global commit.gpgsign true. You can also sign tags by adding the -s flag as so: git tag -s yourtag.

By default, you will be prompted to enter your GPG passphrase every time you sign a commit or tag. This can get tedious if you set git to sign all commits. Luckily you can use gpg-agent to store your passphrase for you. Open the gpg.conf file (generally located in the .gnupg directory on your root directory) and uncomment the line use-agent. Then in the command prompt run gpg-agent --allow-preset-passphrase. This will allow the gpg-agent to store your GPG passphrase.

You may see the following error the first time you try to sign a commit:

gpg: skipped '########': secret key not available
gpg: signing failed: secret key not available
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object

If this is the case, you need to tell git where it can find GPG. Find the path to GPG by typing where gpg into the command prompt. Take the path that is returned (for example C:UsersNameGnuPGbingpg.exe) and enter it in the command: git config --global gpg.program 'C:UsersNameGnuPGbingpg.exe' Now if you try to run your commit again it should work.

To verify that your commits are being signed, run the command git log --show-signature and you will see your GPG signature listed along with your commits. Alternately, view the list of commits in GitHub where your latest change will have a nice green verified label next to it.

Git Generate Gpg Key Comment


The process for setting up GPG signing on a Mac is virtually the same as Windows. Similarly, you’ll have to install a program to generate your keys. GPG Suite is a great option. After that you can follow the steps outlined above.

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The only other difference is adding the passphrase to your keystore. If you opted to install GPG Suite go to your Mac’s System Preferences and find the GPG Suite icon. In the GPG Suite settings, make sure that the ‘Store in macOS Keychain’ box is checked and ‘Remember for’ is unchecked (otherwise the password will be forgotten after an allotted period of time). You will be prompted for your passphrase the first time you use the GPG key, but after that your passphrase will be saved.

Git Gpg Signing Key

If you’re not using GPG Suite to manage your GPG keys enter the following command in your terminal to store your key in your bash profile: echo 'export GPG_TTY=$(tty)' >> ~/.bash_profile