Git Key Is Invalid Fingerprint Cannot Be Generated
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Adding a ssh public to Gitlab. Key is invalid; Key should be a single line. Fingerprint cannot be generated; I checked the public key and saw that it was not a single line. To correct this I did the following. Deleted the “—- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY —-” line. I installed Gitlab on a Fedora 17 server following this guide and I believe everything works fine, except that I cannot add ssh keys or push my local repository to the server. When trying to add a SSH key via the web interface I get the message 'Fingerprint cannot be generated' When I try.

'Fingerprint cannot be generated' and other SSH key problems

My problem is that I can't add an SSH key or Deploy key without Fingerprint has already been taken and Fingerprint cannot be generated errors.

The full story is a little complex, but something like this: I did once successfully add an SSH key to my new account, then couldn't successfully add a Deploy key. After many struggles, I deleted my SSH key in an attempt to 'start clean.' At that point, I was unable to even add a newly-generated SSH key. After generating a few new keys and failing to get those to work, I deleted my account altogether and remade it.

After remaking my account, I'm still unable to add newly-generated SSH or Deploy keys without Fingerprint has already been taken and Fingerprint cannot be generated errors.

I'm generating my SSH keys on a Debian system withssh-keygen -t rsa -C '[email protected]' and carefully making sure that there are no newlines, extra spaces or missing characters in what I'm pasting into the web UI.

The SSH keys I'm pasting start with ssh-rsaVmware workstation 12 key free. and end with the email address associated with my account.

This is all regarding my bland328 account and my single private project, which is currently empty.

I've searched for help, and do find references to people experiencing similar problems and fixing it by manually deleting orphaned key data from the database, which I obviously can't do as a user of

Is there something I'm missing with regard to key management? Or some good way to properly reset things or otherwise work around this?

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