Iis Machine Key Generate Os Use Automatically Generated
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Jun 11, 2012 I can't see the settings at iis manager - ASP.Net - Machine Key: Automatically generate at runtime is deactivate at first server (export) and at secound server (import) it isn't deactivate. Generate a unique key for each application is also not deactivate.


by Won Yoo


IIS 8.0IIS management tools have been updated for ASP.net 4.5 in IIS 8.0.
IIS 7.5IIS management tools have not been updated for ASP.net 4.5 in IIS 7.5.
IIS 7.0IIS management tools have not been updated for ASP.net 4.0 in IIS 7.0


Windows Server 2012 includes .NET Framework 4.5 by default, as well as optional installation of the .NET 3.5 Framework. Developers and administrators frequently need to run both ASP.net 3.5 and ASP.net 4.5 web applications and therefore they also need the ability to manage them both appropriately.


IIS 8.0 supports managing both ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5 applications using both the graphical IIS Manager tool as well as IIS' command-line management tools.

Both graphical and command line IIS management tools operate in a version-specific manner when reading or writing configuration information for ASP.NET applications. For example, ASP.NET administration modules running in the IIS Server Manager will display configuration options applicable for the specific ASP.NET version used by an application.

Step by Step Instructions


The concepts demonstrated in this walkthrough require a Windows Server 2012 machine with all of the following installed: IIS 8.0, ASP.NET 3.5, and ASP.NET 4.5.

Prior to this walkthrough, readers should have already completed the companion walkthrough: Using ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5 on IIS 8.0. That document walks readers through installing all three features, as well as sample applications for both versions of ASP.NET.

Workarounds for known bugs:

There are no known bugs for this feature at this time.

Displaying ASP.NET Administration Modules

Start the IIS Manager UI and expand the treeview on the left-hand side of the window so that the 'Default Web Site' and its children are both showing:

The right-hand portion of the IIS Manager UI shows the administrative modules available for managing the ASP.NET application highlighted in the treeview. In this case since Default Web Site is selected, and by default this website supports ASP.NET 4.5, the IIS Manager displays 15 different ASP.NET-specific administration modules. The icons shown above in red outlining are the three administration modules that are only available for use with ASP.NET 4.5 applications.

You can see the high-level differences between managing ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5 application in the IIS Manager below. Since the 'example35' application is configured for ASP.NET 3.5, only 12 ASP.NET-specific administration modules are available:

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As noted above, the IIS Manager in IIS 8.0 supports three additional administration modules when managing ASP.NET 4.5:

  • Providers: This administration module supports centralized management of pluggable persistence providers for ASP.NET 4.5's Membership, Role Manager and Profile feature.
  • .NET Users: Interactive UI-based creation, deletion and modification of Membership users for ASP.NET 4.5 applications.
  • .NET Roles: UI-based creation/deletion of roles, as well as integration with the '.NET Users' module for adding and removing users to/from roles. As with the previous two administration modules, the '.NET Roles' module is used to manage ASP.NET 4.5 applications

Managing ASP.NET Compilation Settings

Many of the administration modules that exist for both ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5 expose the same functionality. However as some ASP.NET features evolve over time additional configuration options are added in newer .NET Framework versions. The ASP.NET administration modules in the IIS Manager support this by dynamically changing the options they display depending on the version of the ASP.NET application being managed.

Below is a screenshot of .NET Compilation for ASP.NET 3.5:

And below is the corresponding configuration for ASP.NET 4.5. You will see the configuration options have expanded to include new ASP.NET 4.5 capabilities:

The two new options available in ASP.NET 4.5 applications are:

  • Enable JIT Profiling: By default ASP.NET 4.5 will work with the CLR's JIT compilation to enable background compilation of speculative JIT execution paths using additional CPU cores.
  • Enable Prefetch: An ASP.NET 4.5 feature available only on Windows Server 2012 that integrates the ASP.NET 4.5 compilation system with the Windows Server 8 Superfetch service. When both the Superfetch service and ASP.NET Prefetch option are enabled, Windows Server 2012 will profile ASP.NET compilation during the startup of web applications in order to dynamically optimize disk performance when loading managed assemblies.

Managing ASP.NET Machine Key Settings

Below is a screenshot of Machine Key for ASP.NET 3.5. The 'Validation method' or 'Encryption method' dropdowns display the supported hashing and encryption algorithms used by various security features in ASP.NET 3.5: (Note: in the picture below the dropdowns are arranged horizontally so both sets of options can be shown.)

And below is the corresponding configuration for ASP.NET 4.5.

In ASP.NET 4.5 the same set of encryption algorithms are available (AES was available as far back as .NET 2.0). However, in ASP.NET 4.5, the built-in support for hashing algorithms has been expanded to include the SHA-2 family of keyed hash algorithms (HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384, and HMACSHA512).

Managing ASP.NET Pages and Controls

Below is a screenshot of Pages and Controls for ASP.NET 3.5. The administration module will display a subset of commonly used configuration options for ASP.NET 3.5 applications:

And below is the corresponding configuration for ASP.NET 4.5. The options available in the 'Behavior' portion have expanded to include new settings for ASP.NET 4.5:

As ASP.NET progresses through different versions, there are continual modifications to the HTML, Javascript and CSS emitted by various features and controls. However existing applications may expect specific formats for rendered output. ASP.NET 4.5 can be configured to support older rendering formats using the new settings exposed in the 'Pages and Controls' administration module:

  • ClientID Mode: Defaults to the new setting of 'Predictable' which results in stable identifiers being emitted for the 'id' attribute on rendered HTML elements. This setting can be changed to 'AutoID' to mimic the ID generation behavior used in previous releases of ASP.NET.
  • Control Rendering Compatibility Version: As the name of this setting suggests, this controls which version of rendered HTML/Javascript/CSS output is used by various ASP.NET controls. This property can be set to '3.5', in which case ASP.NET 4.5 will emit output that matches the format created by ASP.NET 3.5.


IIS 8.0 supports running both ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5 applications on the same machine using different application pools to host each .NET Framework version. To support administering both types of ASP.NET applications, IIS 8.0's management tools (both UI and command-line) also support managing multiple ASP.NET versions. Furthermore the IIS 8.0 Server Manager UI dynamically displays appropriate management options depending on which version of ASP.NET application is being managed.


by Kaushal Kumar Panday

Tools Used in this Troubleshooter:

  • SSLDiag
  • Network Monitor 3.4/Wireshark

This material is provided for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied.

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This document will help you in troubleshooting SSL issues related to IIS only. Client Certificates troubleshooting will not be covered in this document. Server Certificates are meant for Server Authentication and we will be dealing only with Server Certificates in this document.

If the Client certificates section is set to 'Require' and then you run into issues, then please don't refer this document. This is meant for troubleshooting SSL Server certificates issue only.

It is important to know that every certificate comprises of a public key (used for encryption) and a private key (used for decryption). The private key is known only to the server.

The default port for https is 443.

I am under the assumption the reader is well-versed in SSL Handshake and the Server Authentication process during the SSL handshake.


Description of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Handshake:

Description of the Server Authentication Process during the SSL Handshake:


The following error message is seen while browsing the website over https:

The first thing that has to be checked is whether the website is accessible over http. If it is not, there likely is a separate issue not covered here. You will need to have the website working on http first before continuing with this troubleshooter.

Now let's assume the website is accessible over http and we get the above error when trying to browse over https. The problem is seen because the SSL handshake failed and hence the error message was seen. There could be many reasons. We will follow a step-by-step approach to solve this problem.

Scenario 1

Check if the server certificate has the private key corresponding to it. Refer the below picture:

If private key is missing, then you need to get a certificate containing the private key, which is essentially a .PFX file. There is a command that we could try to run in order to associate the private key with the certificate:


If the association is successful, then you would see the following window:

Note: 1a 1f 94 8b 21 a2 99 36 77 a8 8e b2 3f 42 8c 7e 47 e3 d1 33 is the thumbprint of the certificate. Open the certificate and click on the details tab. Scroll down to find the thumbprint section. Select the thumbprint section and click on the text below. Do a 'Ctrl+A' and then 'Ctrl+C' to select and copy it. Below is a snapshot for your reference:

Note: This command doesn't succeed always. If this fails, then you need to get a certificate containing the private key from the CA. The file extension for a certificate containing private key is .pfx.

Scenario 2

We went pass the first hurdle and now we have a server certificate containing the private key installed on the website. However, we still get the same error as above. The website is still not accessible over https.

The SSLDiag tool comes in handy here.

Windows Server 2003:

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For IIS 7 and IIS 7.5, use vijaysk's SSL Diagnostics tool. Below is the link:

Install the tool and run it on the server. If you have a certificate containing private key and still not able to access the website, then you may want to run this tool or check the system event logs for SChannel related warnings/errors.

While running the SSLDiag tool you may get the following error:

You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate but CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey failed

There will also be a SChannel warning in the system event logs as shown below:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Schannel
Event Category: None
Event ID: 36870
Date: 2/11/2012
Time: 12:44:55 AM
User: N/A
Description: A fatal error occurred when attempting to access the SSL server credential private key. The error code returned from the cryptographic module is 0x80090016.

This event/error indicates that there was a problem acquiring certificate's private key. So let's try the below steps one by one:

  • Firstly, verify the permissions on the machinekeys folder as per the KB Article: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/278381. All the private keys are stored within the machinekeys folder, so we need to ensure that we have necessary permissions.

  • If the permissions are in place and if the issue is still not fixed. Then it must be a problem with the certificate. It may have been corrupted (You may see an error code of 0x8009001a in the SChannel event log).

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Schannel
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 36870
    Date: 2/11/2012
    Time: 12:44:55 AM
    User: N/A
    A fatal error occurred when attempting to access the SSL server credential private key. The error code returned from the cryptographic module is 0x8009001a.
  • We will test if the website works with a test certificate. Take a back-up of the existing certificate and then replace it with a self-signed certificate. Try accessing the website via https. If it works then the certificate used earlier was corrupted and it has to be replaced with a new working certificate.

  • Sometimes the problem may not be with the certificate but with the issuer. You may see the following error in SSLDiag:

    CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy will fail with CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT (0x800b0109), if the root CA certificate is not trusted root.

    To fix this add the CA's certificate to the 'Trusted Root CA' store under My computer account on the server.

  • You may also get the following error:

    CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy returned error -2146762480(0x800b0110).

    If the above error is received then we need to check the usage type of the certificate. Open the certificate, click on the 'Details' tab and then click on 'Edit Properties…' button. Under General tab make sure 'Enable all purposes for this certificate' is selected and most importantly 'Server Authentication' should be present in the list.

Scenario 3

The first 2 steps check the integrity of the certificate. Once we have confirmed that there are no issues with the certificate, a big problem is solved. But, what if the website is still not accessible over https. Check the HTTPS bindings of the website and determine what port and IP it is listening on. You could run the following command to ensure no other process is listening on the SSL port used by the website.

If there is another process listening on that port then check why that process is consuming that port. Try changing the IP-Port combination to check if the website is accessible or not.

Scenario 4

By now we are sure that we have a proper working certificate installed on the website and there is no other process using the SSL port for this website. However, I still get 'Page cannot be displayed' error while accessing over https. When a client connects and initiates an SSL negotiation, HTTP.sys looks in its SSL configuration for the 'IP:Port' pair to which the client connected. The HTTP.sys SSL configuration must include a certificate hash and the name of the certificate store before the SSL negotiation will succeed. The problem may be with the HTTP.SYS SSL Listener.

  • The Certificate hash registered with HTTP.SYS may be NULL or it may contain invalid GUID. Execute the following from a command prompt:


    httpcfg is part of Windows Support tools and is present on the installation disk. You could download it from here as well: https://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=7911

    Below is a sample of a working and non-working scenario:

    Working scenario:


    Non-working scenario:

    Hashc09b416d6b 8d615db22 64079d15638e96823d

    The Hash value seen above is the Thumbprint of your SSL certificate. Notice, that the Guid is all zero in a non-working scenario. You may see the Hash either having some value or blank. Even if we remove the certificate from the web site, and then run 'httpcfg query ssl', the website will still list Guid as all 0's. If you see the GUID as '{0000........000}, then there is a problem.

    We need to remove this entry by running the command:

    For example:

  • Delete any entries in the IP Listen list.

    To determine whether any IP addresses are listed, open a command prompt, and then run the following command:

    If the IP Listen list is empty, the command returns the following string:

    If the command returns a list of IP addresses, remove each IP address in the list by using the following command:


    restart IIS after this via command 'net stop http /y'

Scenario 5

After all this if you are still unable to browse the website on https, then capture a network trace either from the client or server. Filter the trace by 'SSL or TLS' to look at SSL traffic.

Below is a network trace snapshot of a non-working scenario:

Working scenario:

Well, this is definitely now how you look at a network trace. You need to expand the frame details and see what protocol and cipher was chosen by the server. Select 'Server Hello' from the description to get those details.

In the non-working scenario, the client was configured to use TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 only. However, the web server was IIS 6, which can support until TLS 1.0 and hence the handshake failed.

Do check the registry keys to determine what protocols are enabled or disabled. Here's the path:

The 'Enabled' DWORD should be set to '1'. If '0' then the protocol is disabled.

For example, SSL 2.0 is disabled by default.

Scenario 6

If everything has been verified and if you are still running into issues accessing the website over https, then it most likely is some update which is causing the SSL handshake to fail.

Iis Machine Key Generate Os Use Automatically Generated Windows 10

Microsoft has released an update to the implementation of SSL in Windows:

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There is potential for this update to impact customers using Internet Explorer, or using an application that uses Internet Explorer to perform HTTPS requests.

There were actually two changes made to address information disclosure vulnerability in SSL 3.0 / TLS 1.0. The MS12-006 update implements a new behavior in schannel.dll, which sends an extra record while using a common SSL chained-block cipher, when clients request that behavior. The other change was in Wininet.dll, part of the December Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer (MS11-099), so that IE will request the new behavior.

If a problem exists, it may manifest as a failure to connect to a server, or an incomplete request. Internet Explorer 9 is able to display an 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' error. Prior versions of IE may simply display a blank page.

Fiddler does not use the extra record when it captures and forwards HTTPS requests to the server. Therefore, if Fiddler is used to capture HTTPS traffic, the requests will succeed.

Registry keys

As documented in https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2643584, there is a SendExtraRecord registry value, which can:

  • Globally disable the new SSL behavior
  • Globally enable it, or
  • (Default) enable it for SChannel clients that opt in to the new behavior.

For Internet Explorer and for clients that consume IE components, there is a registry key in the FeatureControl section, FEATURE_SCH_SEND_AUX_RECORD_KB_2618444, which determines whether iexplore.exe or any other named application opts in to the new behavior. By default this is enabled for Internet Explorer, and disabled for other applications.

Iis Machine Key Generate Os Use Automatically Generated Windows 10

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