Java Generate Ecc Key Pair
Java Generate Ecc Key Pair 3,6/5 5511 reviews

Generates a unique asymmetric data key pair. The GenerateDataKeyPair operation returns a plaintext public key, a plaintext private key, and a copy of the private key that is encrypted under the symmetric CMK you specify. You can use the data key pair to perform asymmetric cryptography outside of.

The KeyPairGenerator class is used to generate pairs of public and private keys. Key pair generators are constructed using the
  • Oct 04, 2019  ECDSA with secp256k1 in Java: generate ECC keys, sign, verify -
  • You can use the procedure below to configure the key pair and trusted client certificates to use for establishing SSL connections on the AS Java. You create a new key pair or upload an existing key pair or a trusted X.509 client certificate from the file system.
Java Generate Ecc Key PairgetInstance
factory methods (static methods that return instances of a given class).

A Key pair generator for a particular algorithm creates a public/private key pair that can be used with this algorithm. It also associates algorithm-specific parameters with each of the generated keys.

Generate Ecc Key Pair Java

There are two ways to generate a key pair: in an algorithm-independent manner, and in an algorithm-specific manner. The only difference between the two is the initialization of the object:

  • Algorithm-Independent Initialization

    All key pair generators share the concepts of a keysize and a source of randomness. The keysize is interpreted differently for different algorithms (e.g., in the case of the DSA algorithm, the keysize corresponds to the length of the modulus). There is an initialize method in this KeyPairGenerator class that takes these two universally shared types of arguments. There is also one that takes just a keysize argument, and uses the SecureRandom implementation of the highest-priority installed provider as the source of randomness. (If none of the installed providers supply an implementation of SecureRandom, a system-provided source of randomness is used.)

    Since no other parameters are specified when you call the above algorithm-independent initialize methods, it is up to the provider what to do about the algorithm-specific parameters (if any) to be associated with each of the keys.

    If the algorithm is the DSA algorithm, and the keysize (modulus size) is 512, 768, or 1024, then the Sun provider uses a set of precomputed values for the p, q, and g parameters. If the modulus size is not one of the above values, the Sun provider creates a new set of parameters. Other providers might have precomputed parameter sets for more than just the three modulus sizes mentioned above. Still others might not have a list of precomputed parameters at all and instead always create new parameter sets.

  • Algorithm-Specific Initialization

    For situations where a set of algorithm-specific parameters already exists (e.g., so-called community parameters in DSA), there are two initialize methods that have an AlgorithmParameterSpec argument. One also has a SecureRandom argument, while the the other uses the SecureRandom implementation of the highest-priority installed provider as the source of randomness. (If none of the installed providers supply an implementation of SecureRandom, a system-provided source of randomness is used.)

In case the client does not explicitly initialize the KeyPairGenerator (via a call to an initialize method), each provider must supply (and document) a default initialization. For example, the Sun provider uses a default modulus size (keysize) of 1024 bits.

Note that this class is abstract and extends from KeyPairGeneratorSpi for historical reasons. Application developers should only take notice of the methods defined in this KeyPairGenerator class; all the methods in the superclass are intended for cryptographic service providers who wish to supply their own implementations of key pair generators.

Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support the following standard KeyPairGenerator algorithms and keysizes in parentheses:

  • DiffieHellman (1024)
  • DSA (1024)
  • RSA (1024, 2048)

Java Generate Ecc Key Pair Number

These algorithms are described in the KeyPairGenerator section of the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation. Consult the release documentation for your implementation to see if any other algorithms are supported.

Generating a Key Pair and a Self-Signed Certificate

The genkey command of the keytool programenables you to generate a key pair.

Java Generate Ecc Key Pair Key

To Generate a Key Pair and a Self-Signed Certificate

Java Generate Ecc Key Pair

  1. Navigate to the JAVA_HOME/bin directory,where JAVA_HOME is the installation directory ofthe Java SDK.

  2. Enter the following command:

  3. When prompted, enter your keystore password.

  4. When prompted, enter the Distinguished Name information.

    1. What is your first and last name?

      Caution –

      When prompted for your first and last name, make sureyou enter the machine hostname.

    2. What is the name of your organizational unit?

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    3. What is the name of your organization?

    4. What is the name of your City or Locality?

    5. What is the name of your State or Province?

    6. What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

    7. Is CN=first_and_last_name, OU=organizational_unit, O=organization_name,L=city_or_locality, ST=state_or_province, C=two_letter_country_codecorrect?

  5. When prompted, enter a password for the keystore entry.If the password is same as the keystore password, press Return.

    Note –

    Ifyou want to use a keystore, it is recommended to use the sbyn.keystore file in the JavaCAPS-install-dir/repository/repository/server directory.