Keytool Generate Csr With Private Key
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Jun 04, 2017  How to create CSR and private key from IIS. Depending on how you generate your certificate you might need to use the private key that IIS used to create this CSR. Here’s how to extract it.

  1. Keytool Generate Csr And Private Key
  2. Digicert Keytool Csr
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{{#eclipseproject:technology.higgins}}1. To generate a keystore, you need a JDK installed with its /bin directory in your path

2. Create a keystore using this command:

keytool will ask you to enter the values for Common Name (CN), Organizational Unit (OU), Oranization(O), Locality (L), State (S) and Country (C). CN should match the domain name of your webapp if you are planning to use this keystore for your servlet container

You can verify keystore contents using this command:


3. Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using this command:

Submit contents of csr-for-myserver.pem file to your CA for signing

You can get a trial certificate from Thawte at

4. Save the signed certificate from CA to a file signed-cert.pem

You can see the contents of the signed certificate using this command:

5. Download Root certificate from CA. You can download Thawte Test Root Certificate from

6. Import Root Certificate to keystore using this command:

Keytool Generate Csr And Private Key

where root-cert.pem is the Root Certificate from CA

7. Verify contents of keystore using this command:

8. Import CA signed certificate to keystore

9. Verify contents of keystore using this command:

1959-1965 is the period of second-generation computer. Key features of second generation computers images.

The most important thing you want to see is that, under the private key alias, additional information is being displayed. You're looking for this:

How to import existing .key and .crt into .jks

Assume you have an existing .key and .crt from your Apache configuration.

You do this:

1. You convert the private key into PKCS#8 format:

2. Since the stupid Java keytool doesn't allow you to import private keys, you download this tool:

3. Now you can import the key into the Java Keystore:

Digicert Keytool Csr

4. Now you have the Java Keystore:

5. Delete the tmpfile:


Retrieved from ''

To Create a CSR with keytool and Generate a SignedCertificate for the Certificate Signing Request

  1. Perform the following operations from the command line.

  2. Generate the Certificate Signing Request.

  3. Generate a signed certificate for the associated Certificate SigningRequest.

  4. Use the keytool to import the CA certificate into the client keystore.

  5. Use the keytool to import the signed certificate for the associatedclient alias in the keystore.

    Caution –

    The following error will be generated if there is no certificatechain in the client certificate.

    This error is because the CA’s certificate was not imported intothe KeyStore first. You must import theCA's certificate (step 4), then import the client.cer file itself to forma certificate chain (step 5).

    Now that we have a private key and an associating certificate chainin the KeyStore clientkeystore, we canuse it as a KeyStore for client (adapter)authentication. The only warning is that the CA certificate must be importedinto the trusted certificate store of the web server to which you will beconnecting. Moreover, the web server must be configured for client authentication(httpd.conf for Apache, for example).