Php Random Key Generator Code
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  1. Php Code Generator For Mysql
  2. Php Random Key Generator

A fluent PHP random key generator.

Php Code Generator For Mysql

How to Create Your Own Random Number Generator in PHP Computers cannot generate random numbers. A machine which works in ones and zeros is unable to. Jul 15, 2018  Keygen. A fluent PHP random key generator. Keygen is a PHP package that generates random character sequences known as keys.The package ships with built-in key generators for four key types namely: numeric, alphanumeric, token and byte.Its implementation effectively combines simplicity and expressiveness. Jan 17, 2013  Learn to program a high capacity PHP random string generator with dynamic length parameter. We demonstrate how to then make your script modular in. A random integer between min (or 0) and max (or getrandmax inclusive) Return Type: Integer: PHP Version: 4+ PHP Changelog: PHP 7.1: The rand function is an alias of mtrand. PHP 4.2.0: The random number generator is seeded automatically.

Keygen is a PHP package that generates random character sequences known as keys. The package ships with built-in key generators for four key types namely: numeric, alphanumeric, token and byte. Its implementation effectively combines simplicity and expressiveness.


With Composer

The Keygen package can be installed easily with [Composer] - require the gladcodes/keygen package from the command line.

Alternatively, you can manually add the Keygen package to the composer.json file of your project and then run composer install from the command line as follows:

You can use it in your PHP code like this:


Usage and Documentation


  • Write tests


The Keygen package is covered by the MIT License.

Computers cannot generate random numbers. A machine which works in ones and zeros is unable to magically invent its own stream of random data. However, computers can implement mathematical algorithms which produce pseudo-random numbers. They look like random numbers. They feel like random distributions. But they’re fake; the same sequence of digits is generated if you run the algorithm twice.

Planting Random Seeds

To increase the apparent randomness, most algorithms can be passed a seed — an initialization number for the random sequence. Passing the same seed twice will still generate the same set of random numbers but you can set the seed based on external input factors. The easiest option is the current time but it can be anything; the last keypress, a mouse movement, the temperature, the number of hours wasted on YouTube, or any other factor.

Random PHP Functions

Php Random Key Generator

PHP offers a number of random number functions. The main ones are:

  1. rand() and the more efficient mt_rand() function. Both return a random number between zero and getrandmax()/mt_getrandmax(). Alternatively, you can pass minimum and maximum parameters:

  2. srand($seed) and mt_srand($seed) to set a random number seed. This has been done automatically since PHP 4.2.0.

PHP is Too Random!

There are instances when creating a repeatable list of pseudo-random numbers is useful. It’s often used for security or verification purposes, e.g. encrypting a password before it’s transmitted or generating a hash code for a set of data. Unfortunately, PHP can be a little too random. A generated sequence will depend on your hosting platform and version of PHP. In other words, you can’t guarantee the same ‘random’ sequence will be generated twice on two different machines even if the same seed is used.

Rolling Your Own Random Class

Fortunately, we can write our own random number generator. You’ll find many algorithms on the web, but this is one of the shortest and fastest. First, we initialize our class and a random seed variable:

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Next we have a seed() function for setting a new seed value. For the algorithm to work correctly, the seed should always be a positive number greater than zero but not large enough to cause mathematical overflows. The seed function takes any value but converts it to a number between 1 and 9,999,999:

Finally, we have our num() function for generating a random number between $min and $max. If no seed has been set it’s initialized with PHP’s own random number generator:

We can now set a seed and output a sequence of numbers: Parallels desktop activation key.

If you’ve copied this code exactly, you should see the following values no matter what OS or version of PHP you’re running:

Admittedly, repeatable “random” numbers isn’t something you’ll need every day — you’re more likely to require something closer to real randomness and PHP’s functions will serve you better. But there may be occasions when you find this useful.