Sapinst Key Generation Timed Out
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  1. Sapinst Key Generation Timed Out Meaning
  2. Sapinst Key Generation Timed Out 2016
  3. Sapinst Key Generation Timed Out 2016

A very warm welcome to all technical experts and users of the Software Provisioning Manager!

Nov 18, 2016  This article is part of our series on free SAP BASIS training.Here, we will provide step-by-step guidance of how to install SAP (NetWeaver 7.4) in the following configuration.

Sapinst Key Generation Timed Out Meaning

To increase the supportability of processes performed with Software Provisioning Manager, the log file sapinst_dev.log was improved, based on received feedback, as outlined in this blog.

Sapinst Key Generation Timed Out 2016

Let me start with a simple example – first, here is an extract of a log file provided until now:

And now the same information from a new log file:

Sapinst key generation timed out of life

What are the main changes seen here?

Sapinst Key Generation Timed Out
  • The entry offers a more compact view, with only one header line
  • The effective user/group is traced on each line (only listed generically as <Domain><User> in the example screenshot above, but I hope you get the idea 🙂 )
  • Useless details got removed, while the information about the used libraries in the example above (lib=syslib module=syslib) is just one sample – overall, a lot of useless traces could just be taken out

In addition, the following improvements were realized:

  • A possible JavaScript code dump gets now logged into a separate log file (js_dump.log), keeping the sapinst_dev.log file smaller and cleaner
  • The log file now also traces the exact path of the provisioning service as you had selected it on the Welcome screen in the tool – for example:
  • Finally, Software Provisioning Manager traces the CD labels that it found:

Overall, we hope that all these small changes make the overall handling of Software Provisioning Manager – especially in the case of issues – easier for you.

Generate random aes 256 key card. The shown improvements are made available with SAPinst 720-2 patch 2015.04 (for more information, see SAP Note 1548438), which is part of Software Logistics 1.0 SPS13.

Sapinst Key Generation Timed Out 2016

Thoughts for further improvements? Please submit an idea in our Software Logistics space in SAP Idea Place under the category Solution Implementation.