Warcraft 3 Custom Keys Generator
Warcraft 3 Custom Keys Generator 4,8/5 3517 reviews


  1. Select your preferred keys by clicking on skill;
  2. Press Generate and save file to your WarCraft III root folder;
  3. WarCraft III -> Options -> Gameplay -> Enable 'Custom Keyboard Shortcuts'.

NOTE: Remember to update your file whenever a new version of DotA is released.
To disable them, simply de-activate the 'Custom Keyboard Shortcuts' option.

Warcraft 3 Code Generator

Since WC3 is a bit older, some of the Hotkeys were ignored and left out from Customkeys so you have to use something like AutoHotkey for Inventory Items, its the same as Warkey but lets you swap ANY key, set the inventory item hotkeys so T= TownPortal G= Potion etc, also disables WinKey or Alt+QQ from closing game, and NumLock pauses the Script on/off for chat. Select your preferred keys; Press Generate and save file to your WarCraft III root folder; WarCraft III - Options - Gameplay - Enable “Custom Keyboard Shortcuts” Note: Remember to update your file whenever a new version of DotA is released. To disable them, simply de-activate the “Custom Keyboard Shortcuts” option. Hey guys, i just watched one of Mr.Cygnus' audio commentaries (you sir, are awesome) about custom hotkeys and apm. And i'd like to ask this forum to kindly advice me more about HOW to actually set it up, stuff like qwe, asd, zxcv etc etc. Is it allowed on battle.net and GG? 3 types of CustomKeys are provided: Qwertz, Qwerty and Azerty. More layouts are possible, just show me how you want it to be layed out(The way I create is I ran the CustomKeys over program that maps the keys from Qwerty(my keyboard layout, and the one with images) into the one we want. Basically, Q on the images is the same as A on azerty keyboard. Fast and easy custom hotkeys for heroes and units! Heroes Units. Download CustomKeys.txt. Bugs, Suggestions, Feedback? Shoot me an email to [email protected].


Warcraft 3 Custom Keys Generator Dota Custom Keys Generator - online tool for generating Customkeys.txt. CustomKeys is a text file that allows you to remap the hotkeys for units and heroes. One of the most common reasons to use modified CustomKeys is to simplify things by having the same key for all spells in certain position.

To find spellcodes you can use CustomKeys with all keycodes to spells.

More info about CustomKeys

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