Eos Wallet Key Pair Generator
Eos Wallet Key Pair Generator 4,3/5 2318 reviews

Cross-platform multi-language tool to create EOS public/private key pairs offline

My Eos Wallet


  1. Download for your platform from Github Releases: https://github.com/eoscafe/eos-key/releases
  2. Run on airgapped (ideal) computer or with no internet connection
  3. Generate keys and/or Validate your keys

EOS offline private and public key pair generator for registering tokens. Offline wallet product to register. EOS site and gain access to key generator page.

Eos Wallet Key Pair Generator Reviews


Eos Wallet Key Pair Generator For Sale

Extra information

There are only five runtime dependencies in this project:

  1. eosjs-ecc: Official EOS.IO library for generating/validating keys.
  2. vue: Frontend library like React/Angular,
  3. vue-electron: Integrating Vue into Electron,
  4. vue-i18n: Provide efficient internationalization with English, Chinese and Korean
  5. vue-router: Manages which page to load in application

Eos Wallet Key Pair Generator Price

The application is intended to be run offline and will make no external requests. If you see any external requests being made, your machine may be compromised before installation.

(Go) Generate Key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Demonstrates how to generate a new RSA key and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Note: This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.65 or greater. Nov 21, 2017  Generate SSH RSA Private/Public Key pair with Golang - gist:8f9b8a4f31573f428f29ec0e884e6673. Apr 03, 2015  Dismiss Join GitHub today. GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Mar 12, 2018  Learn how to import WIF keys and generate new private keys for Bitcoin and Altcoin as well as get their public addresses using Golang. A written version of this tutorial can be found at https. Generate private key dsa golang pdf.

Virus Scans:

Eos Wallet Key Pair Generator Replacement

MacOS Virus Scan (100% safe, 0/57): VirusTotal

Linux Virus Scan (100% safe, 0/58): VirusTotal


Windows Virus Scan (98.3% safe, 1/58): VirusTotalThe false positive is confirmed by MetaDefender Report to be a false positive, the anti-virus flags 'EOS' in file contents and thinks it is a coin miner.

Manual build