Is It Possible To Generate Key File From Crt
Is It Possible To Generate Key File From Crt 5,0/5 5449 reviews

Hi As I explained the.crt file is a Digital Certificate file with a Digital Signature. The signature is obtained by signing the Certificate with a CA private key but to verify the sgnature i require the public key which is present in the same.crt file. I am not clear how to generate the public key for verifying the signature.

If you want to convert your website from HTTP to HTTPS, you need to get a SSL certificate from a valid organization like Verisign or Thawte. You can also generate self signed SSL certificate for testing purpose.

In this article, let us review how to generate private key file (server.key), certificate signing request file (server.csr) and webserver certificate file (server.crt) that can be used on Apache server with mod_ssl.

Openssl generate crt and key
  • Is it possible to generate a RSA key without giving pass phrase, since I am not sure how the /etc/init.d/httpd script will start the HTTP server without human intervention (i.e. If I give a 4 character pass phrase, it expects me to provide this while starting the Apache HTTP server).
  • Jul 25, 2017 It’s kind of ridiculous how easy it is to generate the files needed to become a certificate authority. It only takes two commands. First, we generate our private key: openssl genrsa -des3 -out myCA.key 2048 You will be prompted for a pass phrase, which I recommend not skipping and keeping safe.
  • Jul 09, 2019  What are certificate formats and what is the difference between them? Private key must be kept secret and is something that you generate alongside with the certificate signing. If Any other server (ex. Apache) was selected during SSL activation, the Certificate Authority’s email should contain files with.crt file.

Key, CSR and CRT File Naming Convention

I typically like to name the files with the domain name of the HTTPS URL that will be using this certificate. This makes it easier to identify and maintain.

  • Instead of server.key, I use
  • Instead of server.csr, I use
  • Instead of server.crt, I use

1. Generate Private Key on the Server Running Apache + mod_ssl

First, generate a private key on the Linux server that runs Apache webserver using openssl command as shown below.

The generated private key looks like the following.

2. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Using the key generate above, you should generate a certificate request file (csr) using openssl as shown below.

3. Generate a Self-Signed SSL Certificate

For testing purpose, you can generate a self-signed SSL certificate that is valid for 1 year using openssl command as shown below.

You can use this method to generate Apache SSL Key, CSR and CRT file in most of the Linux, Unix systems including Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora and Red Hat.

4. Get a Valid Trial SSL Certificate (Optional)

Instead of signing it youself, you can also generate a valid trial SSL certificate from thawte. i.e Before spending the money on purchasing a certificate, you can also get a valid fully functional 21 day trial SSL certificates from Thawte. Once this valid certificate works, you can either decide to purchase it from Thawte or any other SSL signing organization.

This step is optional and not really required. For testing purpose, you can always use the self-signed certificate that was generated from the above step.

Go to Thwate trial certificate request page and do the following:

  • Select “SSL Web Server Certificate (All servers)” under the “select your trial certificate”.
  • Do not check the PKCS #7 check-box under the “configure certificate”
  • Copy/Paste the *.csr file that you generate above in the textbox under “certificate signing request (CSR)”
  • Click on next at the bottom, which will give you a 21-day free trial certificate.

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Copy/Paste the trial certificate to the file as shown below.

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Is It Possible To Generate Key File From Crt Windows 7

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How do I make my own bundle file from CRT files?
Answer: You may do this using you favorite text editor or by using the command line.
# Root CA Certificate - AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
# Intermediate CA Certificate 1 - ComodoRSAAddTrustCA.crt OR ComodoECCAddTrustCA.crt
# Intermediate CA Certificate 2 - ComodoRSADomain/Organization/ExtendedvalidationSecureServerCA.crt OR ComodoRSAECCDomain/Organization/ExtendedvalidationSecureServerCA.crt
# Intermediate CA Certificate 3 - ComodoSHA256SecureServerCA.crt
# Your SSL Certificate - yourDomain.crt
Note: You will not need your SSL certificate for this exercise.
GUI Text Editor
1. Open All files in a text editor. (Remember, not your domain certificate.)
2. Create a new blank text file.
3. Copy contents of all files in reverse order and paste them into the new file.
Example: Intermediate 3, Intermediate 2, Intermediate 1, Root Certificate.
4. Save newly created file as ''.
Command Line
Linux or UNIX-like Operating Systems:
-- cat ComodoRSAAddTrustCA.crt ComodoRSADomain/Organization/ExtendedvalidationSecureServerCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt >


-- cat ComodoSHA256SecureServerCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt >
Windows or DOS:
-- copy ComodoRSAAddTrustCA.crt + ComodoRSADomain/Organization/ExtendedvalidationSecureServerCA.crt + AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt


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-- copy ComodoSHA256SecureServerCA.crt + AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
Note: '' is only a place holder file name. You may call it anything you want.

Extract Key From Crt

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* Root & Intermediate Certificates