Jpa Composite Key Sequence Generator
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The Persisted Records Using Sequence Generator. Figure 1.2 shows you the records that persisted into the Oracle database using a sequence generator. Primary Key Generation Using Table Generator. Biomatter 4.8 key generator. At this example, you would be seeing a database table for generating a primary keys. Anatomy of @TableGenerator. JPA and Hibernate can do much more than just mapping a numerical primary key column to an entity attribute. You can use them to generate unique primary key values, to map and create UUIDs, to work with composite primary keys, and to use the same primary key value for associated entities.

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How to Configure Primary Key Generation

This document describes how to configure primary key generation with EclipseLink JPA. See @Generated value in the EclipseLink User's Guide for complete information.

  • 3Using Sequence Objects
  • 5Using a Table


EclipseLink may create entity identifiers (or primary keys) automatically using any of the following strategies defined by the JPA Specification:

  • Sequence objects
  • Identity Columns
  • Tables
  • Provider-assigned strategy

Usually, these generation strategies are configured locally to the primary key field or property.

Using Sequence Objects

When using a database that supports sequence objects (such as Oracle Database), EclipseLink can use a database sequence object to automatically generate identifiers for your persistent objects.

Using A Default Sequence

EclipseLink can produce a default sequence during schema generation. If you use schema generation, then specify that your identifier should be generated and that the SEQUENCE strategy be used to perform the generation.

In the following example, the @GeneratedValue annotation indicates that the identifier value should be automatically generated; a strategy of SEQUENCE indicates that a database sequence should be used to generate the identifier. EclipseLink will create a default sequence object during schema generation that will be used at run time.

Specifying a Sequence

To use a specific named sequence object (whether it is generated by schema generation or already exists in the database) you must define a sequence generator using a @SequenceGenerator annotation. You may choose any unique label as the name for the sequence generator. Reference this name by the generator element in the @GeneratedValue annotation. Also, include the sequenceName element to specify the name of the database sequence object to use.

If the sequence object already exists in the database, then you must specify the allocationSize to match the INCREMENT value of the database sequence object. For example, if you have a sequence object in the database that you defined to INCREMENT BY 5, set the allocationSize to 5 in the sequence generator definition, as the following example shows:

Using Identity Columns

When using a database that does not support sequences, but does support identity columns (such as SQL Server database), you can configure JPA to use an identity column to generate identifiers.

To generate identifiers using identity columns, specify a strategy of IDENTITY. In the following example, the @GeneratedValue annotation indicates that the identifier value should be automatically generated, and the specified strategy of IDENTITY indicates that an identity column should be used to generate the identifier:

Using a Table

You can use a table for identifier generation on any database. This strategy is completely portable across databases and will be automatically generated for you when schema generation is enabled.

Using A Default Table

During schema generation, EclipseLink JPA can generate a default table for identifier generation. If you use schema generation, then specify a strategy of TABLE in the @GeneratedValue annotation, as the following example demonstrates. EclipseLink will create a default table during schema generation that will be used at run time:

Specifying a Table

To map to an existing table or cause the table object generated by schema generation to be given a particular name, define a table generator using a @TableGenerator annotation.

The table generator has a name, by which it is referenced in the @GeneratedValue annotation. The generator also lists the name of the specific database table, as well as the names of the key and value columns used to store identifier generators in the table. Each row in the table represents the generator for a particular entity type, with the value in the key column indicating the entity type.


For example, a table generator for Inventory instances might have a key of INV_GEN, as the following example shows:

The table generator defined in the preceding example would be mapped to the following table:

ID_GEN table
INV_GEN <last generated value>

Sequence Generator Composite Key Jpa

Using a Default Generation Strategy

Jpa composite key sequence generator download

Specifying a strategy of AUTO allows EclipseLink to select the strategy to use. Typically, EclipseLink picks TABLE as the strategy, since it is the most portable strategy. However, when AUTO is specified, schema generation must be used at least once in order for the default table to be created in the database.

The following example demonstrates the use of the AUTO strategy:

Example Of Composite Key

Using a Custom Strategy

You can also choose to implement your own sequencing. An example using UUID is provided here.


Jpa Composite Primary Key Auto Generated

The minimum configuration you can use to cause the automatic generation of identifiers is to add a @GeneratedValue annotation to the identifier field or property. If you are using a specific named database sequence or table, you need to define the generator in the metadata with @SequenceGenerator or @TableGenerator annotations.

Jpa Composite Key Sequence Generator Download

The generation strategy that you choose to generate entity identifiers may depend on the database, on which you application is running: for instance, SEQUENCE and IDENTITY strategies are not supported on all databases.

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1. JPA Composite Key + Sequence

Is it possible in plain JPA or JPA+Hibernate extensions to declare a composite key, where an element of the composite key is a sequence?This is my composite class:

@Embeddablepublic class IntegrationEJBPk implements ..

2. JPA: InvalidStateException Error + Composite Key/EmbeddableId/Sequence Generated IDs

I currently have a schema set up with my database and Java Application using OpenJPA that works most of the time, but sometimes I get the error for a few users:org.apache.openjpa.persistence.InvalidStateException: ..

3. Problem sequence not incremented on annotation composite key

@Embeddable public class PrimaryKeyId implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2868479904735001761L; @Column(length=2,name='key1') private String nkeyId1='01'; @Column(name='key2') @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE,generator='sequenceItem') @SequenceGenerator( name = 'sequenceItem',sequenceName='SEQ_ITEM',allocationSize=1) ..

4. Multiple sequence definition OR composite id sequence

Author Message OldFart Post subject: Multiple sequence definition OR composite id sequence Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:11 am Beginner Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:01 am Posts: 20 Hi everybody, I have defined ( I am using Oracle 10 and jdk 1.4 ) a sequence which correctly generates my ID field. I need to populate another two fields ..

5. Composite-id with sequence

Hi all, I'm using hibernate 2.1.1 and Oracle 9.2. I created a mapping for a table with with 3 key-property: 2 strings and an Integer, as a sequence. I read this topic and i follow your tips, but it still doesn't work. Here is my mapping:

6. 2 column composite Id, one is a sequence, the other fk

Yeah, the sequence is enough, but maybe I didnt made the correct question, I wanted to know if there was a way to tell hibernate to increment sequences using a generator flavor like sequence in its tag, but I used a prepared statement to do that, and I got the connection from hibernate of course.. :-) and used assigned in the ..

7. parent tbl with sequence and child tbl with composite-key

Beginner Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:28 am Posts: 21 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: .. AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: CCC.SEQ_AGNT_MSG

9. Using sequence-generated identifier in a composite id.

Hi all, I need a helping hand on this one. Consider this mapping, based on these 2 very classic entities : Code: ORDER_ID_SEQ ..

10. Using composite ID, one member from various sequences

Here is the setup: I have a table with a two field primary key, I'll call the fields FOO and BAR. BAR is an int that is derived from one of 10 possible Oracle sequences. Which sequence is used is determined by the value of FOO. So if FOO were equal to '001', then we'd call BAR_SEQ_001.nextval. I'm sure you get ..

12. Add sequence to a composite-id

Hello i have a problem. i want add a sequence to a porperty in a composite-id. Something seemed to this: **** seqname **** But i dont know if hibernate support this or if i can do it ..

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