Keys To Building Next Generation Leaders
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  2. Next Generation Leader Study Guide
  3. Keys To Building Next Generation Leaders Book Summary

Summer enrollment is now open for 2020.

See brief program descriptions below for:

Educating the Next Generation of Leaders. Development has gone far beyond the classroom: Today it’s more of a conversation, with a lot of emphasis on building a knowledge network.

  • Summer Bridge: Tools for Middle & High School
  • Vision Camp
  • Back-to-School Boot Camp

Morning and evening class times available to fit your summer schedule!

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Or view the full brochure with schedules and enrollment forms:
For Culver City summer programs.
For Manhattan Beach summer programs.

In June and July, you are invited to Summer Bridge: Tools for Middle & High School.

Bridge is the place to:

  • get help on summer schoolwork
  • get your summer reading done early!
  • strengthen your foundation for next year's classes
  • learn new study skills
  • and experience academic material in a new way, in more depth, to increase your comprehension and find your natural curiosity again!
  • Afternoon & evening classes, for kids who attend summer school or day camp elsewhere

Later in July, we kick off morning Vision Camps

Students get a chance to:

  • dig deeper into topics than they typically get to do at school, through project-based learning, including extensions of their summer homework (so you can still bring those assignments and we'll use them as a launching point for even more mastery and interest in the subject!
  • start to form their vision for life after high school, and for high schoolers, start a process for college and career exploration and applications
  • get motivated
  • really experiment with the way your brain works, and find methods of learning that you can apply during the school year
  • These are half-day morning camps, one week at a time, Mon-Thurs 9a to 1pm, for a more immersive experience or

In Summer Bridge and Vision Camp, we engage students through our framework of Leadership Literacies. We have found that the more we can offer lessons through authentic, real-life, hands-on projects and contexts, the more excited the students become about their own learning.

All students create a Vision Project around a personal passion or future goal, which involves:

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  • Social and Media Literacy
  • Financial Literacy
  • College and Career Literacy
  • Technical Literacy

All students spend more than half of each session working on Academic Literacy, which can include school-related work and standards-based skills, or original lessons designed by us to address your goals. When you enroll, we work closely with you to create a differentiated program for your child, drawing from any of the following content areas:

  • math (pre-algebra through pre-calculus)
  • reading comprehension and analytical writing
  • science, including biology, chemistry and physics (ask about support for specific AP sciences)
  • history, including APs
  • metacognitive study skills, built on an awareness of one's learning style
  • testing skills for school or SAT/ACT/AP/ISEE/HSPT
  • personal statements or other elements of writing school applications
  • executive functioning skills like organization and time management

In late July and throughout August, get the rust off your academic brain, and get ready for Fall at Back-to-School Boot Camp!

This is a fun, fast-paced, highly interactive workshop. Your child can:

Keys To Building Next Generation Leaders Culver City

  • finish up any summer schoolwork
  • review topics from last year to 'get the rust off'
  • preview topics for the new semester to 'hit the ground running'
  • learn new study skills
  • set up systems for paperwork, tracking assignments, using time wisely, choosing classes and activities and building strong relationships at school!
  • pick up new strategies for managing technology (how can your phone be a tool, and not just a distraction?!) and productive communication with teachers, parents and peers

Over almost 2 decades, I have seen a resurgence of hunger in the next generation for authentic leadership. They want to come into genuine relationship with Christ beyond tradition to experience for themselves the fullness of His love, His grace, and His power, but they need leadership to guide them. The more we lead them to meet Him face to face, the more they run to His feet. They want leadership that will do more than inspire them; they want leadership that will journey with them. This discipleship of leadership is built over time through the process of trust, humility, and accountability. And this process is as sacred as the influence to lead. More than ever, every leader and Pastor needs to know how to lead a generation who leads before they follow, questions before they answer, and leaps before they look. Here’s what I’ve learned that will help you.

1. Lead from the Source

For me, the most important part of leading is protecting my bandwidth through daily and weekly non-negotiable spiritual disciplines. Regardless of where I am in the country or the deadlines, phone calls, and meetings, the first part of every morning is spent in prayer and devotional reading of the One Year Bible. My quiet time with God is a non-negotiable for me as it’s in those quiet moments with God where He releases vision, imparts clarity, and confirms His word for my life and ministry. This invaluable time has allowed me to slow down my internal speedometer to maintain the constant aptitude to be both the Pastor with the heart for the people and the husband, father, and grandfather with the heart for my family. Next generation Latino leaders have watched their parents work with impeccable ethic, but have missed the power in pause. We must lead with intentionality to give them the keys they need to live in the full facet of their God-given identity and potential.

2. Lead from Heart and Head


Many times we as Pastors tend to operate by default in our greatest strength, whether that be administratively or creatively. However, I’ve come to understand more and more of the need to be both/and in all respects: both administratively astute and creatively savvy; both grace governed and justice led; both local community centered and nationally cognizant; both evangelically grounded and socially responsive. This intentional culture of both/and creates an organizational accountability to your set values, standards, and mission while also creating an atmosphere that leaders need to thrive. Next generation leaders want to be accessed for more than what they can do with their hands; they want to be engaged for the latent power in their hearts and minds. If you’ll lead with your heart and head, you’ll see rewards in leadership that are wider than the scope of sight, thought, and sentiment. And that births a spirit of discipleship that reflects the true vein of leadership that Jesus exemplified.

3. Lead from the Bottom

It’s vital to build a culture of trust, love and respect that causes you to defer regularly to leaders at all levels, strategically “platform” developing leaders with up-front responsibilities, and initiate conversations with people at varying levels of involvement by asking key questions. Asking big, strategic organizational questions from people who would normally not have access high level leadership opens the door for new leadership. And new leadership adds new energy, new perspective, and new strategies. In our church, this approach is helping a growing number of second-generation Hispanics develop their leadership identity. Start from a position of strength and confidence to believe in their God-given potential, and do not marginalize them. Speak to their potential, not to their present circumstances. Hold them accountable for the standard of excellence you expect from everyone else in your church. Platform them, empower them and resource them—and watch what they can become.

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4. Lead for Legacy, Not Legitimacy

As a Pastor, staff or leader, you are not simply building a church and ministry, but remember you are also building a legacy for your family and for all those within your circle of influence. When you lead for legacy, you’ll be able to see the trees from the forest when you’re tempted to settle for less. The obstacles, disappointments, and challenges you may see in front of you can become ladders that others can follow after. If you’ll lead with generations in mind, you’ll see the inherent value in the generations before and after you. Up and coming leaders want to be part of a bigger picture. They need you to model to them that what they’re a part of is bigger than the role they play. Leading with legacy in mind allows them to see beyond their personal legitimacy to pursue a greater vision for their life. The only way they understand that is by following your footsteps. Together, we raise not only leaders, but sons and daughters who live to see the mission of the house advanced.

5. Lead Together

Leadership is a lonely road if done without strategic relationships that grow you so you can grow others. The greatest tragedy of leadership occurs when the sole casualty is the leader. Leadership without relationships beyond you, beside you, and behind you will lead you down a road of liability. We need each other and the next generation is looking for us to lead beyond ourselves. In a time when communication is more digital than personal, the next generation is desperate to learn from you how to meet God and others personally and intimately. When you lead together, you lead stronger. For this reason, our church hosts an annual gathering of multi-generational pastors, leaders, influencers, and believers called the Heart Revolution Conference. It’s here where we relate and interact beyond the pulpit to learn from one another, encourage one another, and challenge one another. Thousands come with their staff and leaders to show the next generations that the church is one body with one unified voice of leadership.

Next Generation Leader Study Guide

Leadership is a privilege we all have and need to develop. Bring your team to our Heart Revolution Conference where you’ll hear more on leadership principles just like these from speakers like Carl Lentz, Samuel Rodriguez, Erwin McManus, Art Sepulveda, and more. Register your ministry today at Group discounts available. Let’s lead strong together!

Keys To Building Next Generation Leaders Book Summary

Sergio De La Mora is the lead pastor at Cornerstone of San Diego, California. He also serves as the President of the Hispanic Mega Church Association (HMCA), a division of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.