Triple Des Key Generator Java
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  1. Triple Des Key Length
  2. Sonicview Des Key
  3. Triple Des Key Generator Java Code
  4. Triple Des Key Generator Java Pdf
This class provides the functionality of a secret (symmetric) key generator.

Key generators are constructed using one of the getInstance class methods of this class.

KeyGenerator objects are reusable, i.e., after a key has been generated, the same KeyGenerator object can be re-used to generate further keys.

There are two ways to generate a key: in an algorithm-independent manner, and in an algorithm-specific manner. The only difference between the two is the initialization of the object:

  • Algorithm-Independent Initialization

    All key generators share the concepts of a keysize and a source of randomness. There is an init method in this KeyGenerator class that takes these two universally shared types of arguments. There is also one that takes just a keysize argument, and uses the SecureRandom implementation of the highest-priority installed provider as the source of randomness (or a system-provided source of randomness if none of the installed providers supply a SecureRandom implementation), and one that takes just a source of randomness.

    Since no other parameters are specified when you call the above algorithm-independent init methods, it is up to the provider what to do about the algorithm-specific parameters (if any) to be associated with each of the keys.

  • Algorithm-Specific Initialization

    For situations where a set of algorithm-specific parameters already exists, there are two init methods that have an AlgorithmParameterSpec argument. One also has a SecureRandom argument, while the other uses the SecureRandom implementation of the highest-priority installed provider as the source of randomness (or a system-provided source of randomness if none of the installed providers supply a SecureRandom implementation).

The KCV is the 'Key Check Value' for the key, calculated by assuming the key/components are 3DES keys, and encrypting a string of binary zeroes. The KCV is the first six hex digits of the resulting ciphertext.

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In case the client does not explicitly initialize the KeyGenerator (via a call to an init method), each provider must supply (and document) a default initialization.

Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support the following standard KeyGenerator algorithms with the keysizes in parentheses:

  • AES (128)
  • DES (56)
  • DESede (168)
  • HmacSHA1
  • HmacSHA256
These algorithms are described in the KeyGenerator section of the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation. Consult the release documentation for your implementation to see if any other algorithms are supported.
posted 11 years agoTriple des key generator java pdfDes
Hi All,
I am new to 3DES algorithm with encryption and decryption. I want to know how we encrypt and decrypt a data based on the key with 256 and 512 bit format using Triple DES (3DES). I want Code sample for the above concept.
I need this sharing in soon..
I expect your valuable reply in soon.
Thanks int Advance,
posted 11 years ago
TripleDES does not use those key sizes. It uses 168 bit (DES uses 56 bit, and TripleDES uses 3 times that - hence its name). An example of using DES can be found here. Using TripleDES instead would involved replacing the 'DES' cipher designation by 'DESede'.
posted 11 years ago
Hi All,
I am new to 3DES , thats why i asking this question. kindly send the code sample for 3DES to key based encryption and decryption with specified bit key length.
Thanks in advance..
posted 11 years ago
That's not how JavaRanch works. Instead of writing the code for you, we try to help you write the code yourself. But -if you look at the link I posted- there's hardly anything left to write. Just change the cipher designator accordingly, and you're done. If you're unsure about what that entails I suggest that you read up on JCE (the Java API for encryption) so you understand what's going on. It's easy to get encryption wrong (and thus insecure) if one doesn't understand what's happening underneath; start here.
posted 11 years ago
Hi Ulf Dittmer
i have done the following for 3DES. But i want to know how we specify key bit length for encryption and decryption.

Your valuable ideas will be very help to me.
Thanks in advance.
posted 11 years ago
With DES and TripleDES you don't specify the key length, because they're fixed. See my first post.
posted 11 years ago
Hi Ulf Dittmer,
Thanks for your quick reply. I want to use Triple DES and key length should be following 16,32,64,128,256 and 512. Bit value may be we read from a properties files.
Kindly tell me how we implement..
Thanks in Advance.
posted 11 years agoWhich part of

TripleDES does not use those key sizes. It uses 168 bit (DES uses 56 bit, and TripleDES uses 3 times that - hence its name).


With DES and TripleDES you don't specify the key length, because they're fixed.

are you having trouble understanding? You can consult Wikipedia if you don't believe me.
posted 11 years ago

Elangeswaran kangaraj wrote:
Thanks for your quick reply. I want to use Triple DES and key length should be following 16,32,64,128,256 and 512. Bit value may be we read from a properties files.
Kindly tell me how we implement..

As Ulf mentioned, TripleDES uses 168 bit keys. With the Java implementation, this is spread out over 24 bytes. So.. if you want to have the key lengths, that you can specify, you will have to create a way to convert those key lengths to 24 bytes. This is not specific to 3DES, you will have to invent something yourself -- maybe you can send the bits to a hashing algorithm (like SHA1) and take the 24 bytes from that?

Books: Java Threads, 3rd Edition, Jini in a Nutshell, and Java Gems (contributor)

posted 11 years ago

Hi Ulf Dittmer,
I have hope with you. can you share with me other than 3DES algorithm how we encrypt a data based on a static key with specified bit size. Assume the bit size is available in a properties file.
I expect you favorable reply. If you provide code for that it would be very helpful to me.
Thanks in advance.
posted 11 years ago
I don't know how else to say that what you're asking is impossible. You need to read up on how DES and TripleDES work. It's dangerous to use encryption without understanding how it works (meaning it's easy to implement something that's not really secure).

Triple Des Key Length

posted 11 years ago
Blowfish can have a key of up to 448 bits, and is supported by the javax.crypto package.

How To Ask QuestionsHow To Answer Questions

posted 11 years ago

Hi Ulf Dittmer.
I understand your suggestions and all. If we could not use 3DES with key size as 256 or 512 bit means there are any other algorithms for this requirement that is my intention. So, I asked with you.. Kindly suggestion me..
Thanks in advance.

Sonicview Des Key

Ranch Hand

Triple Des Key Generator Java Code

posted 11 years ago
The supported encryption algorithms for Sun Java are listed in the Sun Providers Documention, including the supported key lengths. If you don't want to use standard algorithms like 3DES or AES with restricted key sizes, you could choose Blowfish or RC4.
Bear in mind that RC4 is remarkably easy to use insecurely, as in the WEP protocol. In addition, RC2 was designed so that the NSA could break it 20 years ago if it used 40 bit keys, and any algorithm using keys shorter than 128 bits is going to be fairly vulnerable today.
posted 11 years ago

Triple Des Key Generator Java Pdf

Also keep in mind that algorithms are not equal -- ie. key lengths are not equal. Meaning a 256 bit key length with one algorithm may be as secure as a 1024 bit key length with another algorithm. It is kinda silly to pick an algorithm purely for it's support of a particular key length.

Books: Java Threads, 3rd Edition, Jini in a Nutshell, and Java Gems (contributor)