Values For The Primary Key Should Be Generated Automatically
Values For The Primary Key Should Be Generated Automatically 4,3/5 2487 reviews


Aug 23, 2013  The above code should give us auto generated primary key value. The one thing to note here is method prepareStatement. We passed two arguments first the insert query string and second an array of column name. The column name should be the primary key column name of table where you inserting the record. Updating an existing AUTOINCREMENT column value also resets the AUTOINCREMENT sequence. You can retrieve the most recent automatically generated AUTOINCREMENT value with the LASTINSERTID SQL function or the mysqlinsertid C API function. These functions are connection-specific, so their return values are not affected by another. The PlantID attribute is the primary key for the relation below. The values for the PlantID attribute are generated automatically by the database. What is the term for this? A relation contains three columns that individually could be the primary key. One column is selected as the primary key.

Auto-increment allows a unique number to be generated automatically when a new record is inserted into a table.

Often this is the primary key field that we would like to be created automatically every time a new record is inserted.

This feature is especially useful in the primary key field so that the key can be set automatically every time a new record is inserted. Although auto incrementing can be as simple as setting and forgetting it, there are times where you may want to manage the AUTOINCREMENT column to set the start number or perhaps skip certain values. The issue with using count, then count +1 as key, is that were you to delete a record from the middle, you would end up with a duplicate key generated. EG: Key Data 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D now delete B (count becomes 3), and insert E. This tries to make the new primary key as 4, which already exists.

Syntax for MySQL

The following SQL statement defines the 'Personid' column to be an auto-increment primary key field in the 'Persons' table:

LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Age int,
PRIMARY KEY (Personid)

MySQL uses the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword to perform an auto-increment feature.

By default, the starting value for AUTO_INCREMENT is 1, and it will increment by 1 for each new record.

To let the AUTO_INCREMENT sequence start with another value, use the following SQL statement:

To insert a new record into the 'Persons' table, we will NOT have to specify a value for the 'Personid' column (a unique value will be added automatically):

INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName,LastName)
VALUES ('Lars','Monsen');

The SQL statement above would insert a new record into the 'Persons' table. The 'Personid' column would be assigned a unique value. The 'FirstName' column would be set to 'Lars' and the 'LastName' column would be set to 'Monsen'.

Syntax for SQL Server

The following SQL statement defines the 'Personid' column to be an auto-increment primary key field in the 'Persons' table:

Personid int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Age int

The MS SQL Server uses the IDENTITY keyword to perform an auto-increment feature.

In the example above, the starting value for IDENTITY is 1, and it will increment by 1 for each new record.

Tip: To specify that the 'Personid' column should start at value 10 and increment by 5, change it to IDENTITY(10,5).

To insert a new record into the 'Persons' table, we will NOT have to specify a value for the 'Personid' column (a unique value will be added automatically):

INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName,LastName)
VALUES ('Lars','Monsen');

The SQL statement above would insert a new record into the 'Persons' table. The 'Personid' column would be assigned a unique value. The 'FirstName' column would be set to 'Lars' and the 'LastName' column would be set to 'Monsen'.

Syntax for Access

The following SQL statement defines the 'Personid' column to be an auto-increment primary key field in the 'Persons' table:

LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Age int

Hmac sha256 javascript. The MS Access uses the AUTOINCREMENT keyword to perform an auto-increment feature.

By default, the starting value for AUTOINCREMENT is 1, and it will increment by 1 for each new record.

Tip: To specify that the 'Personid' column should start at value 10 and increment by 5, change the autoincrement to AUTOINCREMENT(10,5).

To insert a new record into the 'Persons' table, we will NOT have to specify a value for the 'Personid' column (a unique value will be added automatically):

INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName,LastName)
VALUES ('Lars','Monsen');

The SQL statement above would insert a new record into the 'Persons' table. The 'Personid' column would be assigned a unique value. The 'FirstName' column would be set to 'Lars' and the 'LastName' column would be set to 'Monsen'.


Syntax for Oracle

In Oracle the code is a little bit more tricky.

You will have to create an auto-increment field with the sequence object (this object generates a number sequence).

Use the following CREATE SEQUENCE syntax:


The code above creates a sequence object called seq_person, that starts with 1 and will increment by 1. It will also cache up to 10 values for performance. The cache option specifies how many sequence values will be stored in memory for faster access.

To insert a new record into the 'Persons' table, we will have to use the nextval function (this function retrieves the next value from seq_person sequence):

INSERT INTO Persons (Personid,FirstName,LastName)
VALUES (seq_person.nextval,'Lars','Monsen');

The SQL statement above would insert a new record into the 'Persons' table. The 'Personid' column would be assigned the next number from the seq_person sequence. The 'FirstName' column would be set to 'Lars' and the 'LastName' column would be set to 'Monsen'.


Value generation patterns

There are three value generation patterns that can be used for properties:

  • No value generation
  • Value generated on add
  • Value generated on add or update

No value generation

No value generation means that you will always supply a valid value to be saved to the database. This valid value must be assigned to new entities before they are added to the context.

Value generated on add

Value generated on add means that a value is generated for new entities.

Depending on the database provider being used, values may be generated client side by EF or in the database. If the value is generated by the database, then EF may assign a temporary value when you add the entity to the context. This temporary value will then be replaced by the database generated value during SaveChanges().

If you add an entity to the context that has a value assigned to the property, then EF will attempt to insert that value rather than generating a new one. A property is considered to have a value assigned if it is not assigned the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). For more information, see Explicit values for generated properties.


How the value is generated for added entities will depend on the database provider being used. Database providers may automatically setup value generation for some property types, but others may require you to manually setup how the value is generated.

For example, when using SQL Server, values will be automatically generated for GUID properties (using the SQL Server sequential GUID algorithm). However, if you specify that a DateTime property is generated on add, then you must setup a way for the values to be generated. One way to do this, is to configure a default value of GETDATE(), see Default Values.

Value generated on add or update

Value generated on add or update means that a new value is generated every time the record is saved (insert or update).

Primary Key Adalah

Like value generated on add, if you specify a value for the property on a newly added instance of an entity, that value will be inserted rather than a value being generated. It is also possible to set an explicit value when updating. For more information, see Explicit values for generated properties.



How the value is generated for added and updated entities will depend on the database provider being used. Database providers may automatically setup value generation for some property types, while others will require you to manually setup how the value is generated.

For example, when using SQL Server, byte[] properties that are set as generated on add or update and marked as concurrency tokens, will be setup with the rowversion data type - so that values will be generated in the database. However, if you specify that a DateTime property is generated on add or update, then you must setup a way for the values to be generated. One way to do this, is to configure a default value of GETDATE() (see Default Values) to generate values for new rows. You could then use a database trigger to generate values during updates (such as the following example trigger).

Value generated on add

By convention, non-composite primary keys of type short, int, long, or Guid are set up to have values generated for inserted entities, if a value isn't provided by the application. Your database provider typically takes care of the necessary configuration; for example, a numeric primary key in SQL Server is automatically set up to be an IDENTITY column.

Values For The Primary Key Should Be Generated Automatically In Word

You can configure any property to have its value generated for inserted entities as follows:


This just lets EF know that values are generated for added entities, it does not guarantee that EF will setup the actual mechanism to generate values. See Value generated on add section for more details.

Default values

On relational databases, a column can be configured with a default value; if a row is inserted without a value for that column, the default value will be used.

Values For The Primary Key Should Be Generated Automatically Video

You can configure a default value on a property:

You can also specify a SQL fragment that is used to calculate the default value:

Pengertian Primary Key

Specifying a default value will implicitly configure the property as value generated on add.

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Value generated on add or update

Values For The Primary Key Should Be Generated Automatically Lyrics


This just lets EF know that values are generated for added or updated entities, it does not guarantee that EF will setup the actual mechanism to generate values. See Value generated on add or update section for more details.

Computed columns

Values For The Primary Key Should Be Generated Automatically Lyrics

On some relational databases, a column can be configured to have its value computed in the database, typically with an expression referring to other columns:


In some cases the column's value is computed every time it is fetched (sometimes called virtual columns), and in others it is computed on every update of the row and stored (sometimes called stored or persisted columns). This varies across database providers.

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No value generation

Disabling value generation on a property is typically necessary if a convention configures it for value generation. For example, if you have a primary key of type int, it will be implicitly set configured as value generated on add; you can disable this via the following: